Variable Speed Pump on AGP


Well-known member
May 5, 2020
I live in CT with the highest electric rates in the country and considering moving to a variable speed pump on my 27' AGP. Currently I have a 1.5hp hayward 240v pump on a manual timer and an "integrated" Hayward cartridge filter. If I go with a 1.5hp VS pump will it be ok to plumb it into the existing filter? My current setup is a 240v plug on a manual timer. Do I need any automation or can I just use the automation that comes with the pump? I also have an electric heat pump water heater. I assume I would have to turn up the pump when the heat pump is on? With a VS pool pump is the best scenario to run the pump as low as possible 24hrs/day?

Sorry for so many noob questions!
I live in CT with the highest electric rates in the country and considering moving to a variable speed pump on my 27' AGP. Currently I have a 1.5hp hayward 240v pump on a manual timer and an "integrated" Hayward cartridge filter. If I go with a 1.5hp VS pump will it be ok to plumb it into the existing filter?
Yes but you don't need to stick with a "1.5 HP" VS pump. A variable speed pump can be set for any flow rate to be safe with any filter.

My current setup is a 240v plug on a manual timer. Do I need any automation or can I just use the automation that comes with the pump?
You can use the automation that comes with the pump unless you need to control any other equipment such as a SWG.

I also have an electric heat pump water heater. I assume I would have to turn up the pump when the heat pump is on? With a VS pool pump is the best scenario to run the pump as low as possible 24hrs/day?
Many on the forum run their pump 24/7 on very low speeds. It becomes a bit more complicated with equipment that periodically requires higher flow rate such as a heater. It this case you have a couple options.

1. Always run at higher RPM to support the heater when it is on. With this choice you may not want to run 24/7 due to higher energy costs.

2. Purchase an external controller that will automatically raise the RPM of the pump when the heater kicks on. With this option, you could run 24/7 and still use low energy.

3. Some VS pumps have dry contact relay control ports that potentially could be used with the heater control board to step up the RPM of the pump when the heater turns on. But it would probably require some sort of hack on the heater control board.
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