Using solar blanket to cover spa blower and in-floor system housing in winter


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2023
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
I forgot to push air out of Jandy spa blower, and also I airlocked the in-floor cleaning system rather than doing a proper way to plug each holes in housing when winterizing.

I have 8 mil regular blue pool solar cover that I don’t use. Can I use it to cover air blower and housing seen in images attached? I thought it is better than nothing, but please let me know if it makes any difference at all. Thank you!


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I forgot to push air out of Jandy spa blower, and also I airlocked the in-floor cleaning system rather than doing a proper way to plug each holes in housing when winterizing.

I have 8 mil regular blue pool solar cover that I don’t use. Can I use it to cover air blower and housing seen in images attached? I thought it is better than nothing, but please let me know if it makes any difference at all. Thank you!
Air blower can't be hurt by freezing weather. There is water in the air line up to the level of the pool when it is off so that would be underground. If the pool filtration is running during freezing temps, the IFCS valve is safe as well. Run the system at night, from 2:00AM until at least 8 or 9:00AM and you should be fine.
With a VSP, you can run it at 1200-1500 rpm 24/7 for very little cost and not have to worry about it at all.
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@1poolman1 I winterized pump, filters, heaters etc and put winterizing plugs on the returns, so running the pool might not be an option. Do you think I should leave it as is since you said air blower can’t be hurt by freezing weather? I forgot to winterize it when pushing the air to spa returns :(. I am afraid freezing water in the air blower line will burst the pipe. I was thinking putting a solar cover on it is better than nothing. Thank you.
@1poolman1 I winterized pump, filters, heaters etc and put winterizing plugs on the returns, so running the pool might not be an option. Do you think I should leave it as is since you said air blower can’t be hurt by freezing weather? I forgot to winterize it when pushing the air to spa returns :(. I am afraid freezing water in the air blower line will burst the pipe. I was thinking putting a solar cover on it is better than nothing. Thank you.
If you are comfortable doing that, please do so. If the pool was drained, so were the air lines. Any water that might be in the line should be underground,
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