Urgent help needed!

Sep 22, 2011
I have vinyl liner that is getting replaced in the spring. It has a fairly substantial leak. For example, about two weeks ago, we were expecting snow. I have a mesh safety cover and I read that you should keep the water within 12" of the deck so that snow will not overly stress the cover. I filled it up to about 10" below the deck. Today, when I pulled the cover back, it was about two feet below the deck, so it lost over a foot in about two weeks. I'm not sure why it is leaking so much because over the summer, I didn't even realize it was leaking. It was only after I noticed it was losing water after it was closed that I realized I had a leak.

Anyway, earlier today I had the corner of the cover pulled back so I figured I would shovel some snow from the deck into the pool, since I needed to add water anyway. In shoveling the snow, I kind of threw a shovel full into the corner and the liner busted. The rip is above the current water level, but only by about an inch. That means I will not be able to put anymore water in it and we are expected 4" to 6" of snow in two days.

My wife suggested just taking the cover off, since we cannot fill up the pool enough to protect the cover. Is that an option? Should I just leave the cover on? The water is probably about two feet below the deck.



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if you are concerned about snow/ice weighing it down, the only thing you can really do is remove it. I don't see much that you can do with the ripped liner until you get your replacement one installed. There is no way you'll be able to repair that enough to hold water. Especially not in the cold.
Gorilla tape makes a waterproof tape. It’s cold and it probably won’t nearly work as well as it usually does (which still isn’t perfect) but it’s better than nothing. In the meantime while Amazon does its thing, Put the safety cover back on. It’s true that you should minimize the weight on the cover when it’s convenient, but it will hold an elephant when it’s not convenient.
Thanks for the responses. I did go out and use the Gorilla tape to patch the rips in the liner. Not sure how well it will hold and I know that if I try to fill it up, it won't be able to hold the weight of the water so I'm just leaving it as is. I did it more to prevent water from getting behind the liner.

My plan is to use pool salt on the cover to melt the snow as it lands. I grabbed a bag from Wal Mart. I'm just going to throw it on the cover before the snow starts. Probably not the best thing for the pool cover, but it's supposed to get warm in a day or two, so I should be able to wash it off with the hose. Also, a little salt is probably better than 2 tons of snow pulling down on the liner.


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For anyone with the same issues, the salt on the cover did not work. It was not able to keep up with the snow and the snow just accumulated on top of the salt. I went out four times and reapplied and it had very little effect. Cover survived even though my water level was low. Now it's even lower. I am losing about an inch a day. Not sure what to do.
Remove the cover now if u can - the pool will keep lowering until the water level goes below the leak. Get on the list for liner replacement now so u don’t have to wait as long maybe. Your profile pic looks like u have a safety fence to prevent pool entry.
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