Ugh, screwed by my Pool Builder!

OK, so here's the update. Came home at 3:30 after the filter running at 90% and the pool cleaner going for a few hours:

Green almost gone.
Water MUCH clearer.
FC = 7.52 (was 8.22 at 12:30)
TC = 7.52 (was 8.36 at 12:30)
CC = 0.0 (was 0.14 at 12:30)
pH = 7.3 (was 7.0 at 12:30)
TA = 73 (was 75 at 12:30).

The 12:30 reading was after I had added 1/3 gallon of bleach to bring FC up to 8.22
I have not added washing soda since this morning.

So maybe the start of an algae bloom that I caught? Or something else? My small drop in FC and my very low levels of CC (readings have been 0.09, 0.0, 0.14 and 0.0 since last night at 11) would indicate that there's not much biologic going on.

Going to leave it now and monitor. Reduced the pump to 70% and let the pool cleaner run a bit more (pool has some stuff in it from the finish of the landscape anyway).
OK, so running after this afternoon's report, no chemicals added, but we did have about 2" of rain and the air temp dropped 20 degrees:

FC: 6.9
TC: 7.04
CC: 0.14
pH: 7.4
TA: 78
CH: 225

Pool is pretty clear, although there is some cloudiness in the deep end. Looks a little like air - could be the rain? In any event, it is clear enough that I can make out all the details on the main drain covers 6.5' down. Can't tell if all the green is gone or not as it's night and the LED's throw things off but overall I am happy. Hoping FC doesn't drop dramatically tonight. Fingers crossed.
Well I guess I don't need to SLAM the pool. Passed an OCLT:

FC = 6.35 (loss of 0.55)
TCL = 6.49
CC = 0.14
pH = 7.6
TA = 97
CH = 229
CYA = 39

Do those increases in pH and TA make sense for about 2" of rain water added? Certainly it makes sense for the slight drop in CYA.

Moreoever, the pool is CLEAR and not GREEN.


Thanks to all for your help!
Issue was resolved. Followed the instructions here and was able to get the FC back up in time to catch the mini algae outbreak, and also balance the pool.

Ironically, right after that, I switched on the SWG and now on salt.

Thanks for the luck, it helped! ;)
Why didn't you make the pool builder fix this? It was their mistake that caused you all of this expense and hassle getting the pool back to the right levels. If it was me, I would have been on the phone to the pool builder making them come out and get it right. You want to make sure you document this in case you have any finish problems down the road. I can't imagine your pH being that low for that long with a brand new finish was good for it.
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