Trying to figure this all out! OVERWHELMED!

Cindy, welcome to TFP!! (I can assure you that this is the FIRST and probably ONLY time I will say this to someone with over 100 posts :lol: !) Joyce (Butterfly) asked me to look at this thread a few days ago, but didn't have time to read 8 (now 9) pages :(

I just spent a fair bit of time reading the whole thread and something I noticed from some of the earlier threads seems to be what's going on now - to wit: the carts themselves are infected with the algae and by reinstalling one of them, you've reconaminated the pool :evil: Your new sand filter has been doing the job just fine - get rid of the cart filter altogether!!!! :hammer:

You've made wonderful progress with the pool!! As a guess, I think you may have neglected to backwash the filter when you initially added the sand which resulted in some fine debris from the sand clouding the pool, then installed an algae filled cart which caused the 'rebloom' of algae. Sorry you are having another problem, but with the new equipment, test kit and the knowledge you've gotten here - this should be a quick fix :-D

Happy birthday!! :party:

Never hesitate to ask me a question, you could well be a 'poster child' for following the advice here :goodjob:
This is a little long but I hope you'll read it. In the end, I hope it will show the new posters that you NEED to listen to these people!

Thank you Steve! You've been so supportive and have brought up valid questions and points that have really made me stop and think! You are a kind man and were there with PM's when I needed you! :wink:

Frustratedpoolmom, Congrats on making it to the ModSquad! You deserve to be on it. Not sure how in the world you find the time to post responses to everyone but I am SO thankful you post to mine! Not sure what I would do without you.

Joyce, what can I are wonderful and have been in my cheering section from the beginning!

Duraleigh, thanks so much for the test kit! It's been a GODSEND! Just had to order refills I've been testing so much! :shock:

Sean, this site is the best thing I've found since my pool! I swear I don't know how I made it through last season. Luck I guess! Glad I found you and totally worth the money to be a TFP lifetime supporter!

JasonLion, you've been a wealth of info so great I can't express! Just knowing I have the pros backing me up is my security blanket.

Waterbear, you pounded into my head from the beginning. I'm stubborn what can I say. But, I listened and got that test kit!

Waste, you turned on the lightbulb so bright it blinded me! I didn't backwash when I first set the filter up! I had the thing going to waste instead thinking that was what I was to do! A huge oversite. And, the cartridge filter........I didn't even think of that and the fact I was reintroducing algae! But, I didn't add that filter till after the water turned green after all the rain. Still, it being in the pump was a NO NO! I just took it out and backwashed again. The water was dirty to say the least so it made me feel better to know at least it's pulling something from the water.

I've always been a do it yourselfer. Got it from my dad everyone says. If it's broken, I will try to fix it. I used to always take things apart and put them back together so I KNOW I have the ability to do guys/girls have the know how and I'm here for one reason and that is to listen, learn and then DO IT MYSELF! Ok, maybe that was 3 reasons! :lol:

Thanks for the birthday wishes! The party went great. The kids stirred up the water and it already looks clearer. (or it could totally be my imagination) I'm not even sure I know what color clear is anymore.

This thread has lasted far longer than I wanted it to I will be the first to admit! It has been a lesson learned and as I've gone through this I've become humbled. :oops:

It's hard sometimes to hear.........get a sand filter..........get a better pump...........get a GOOD test kit. Slowly I've been able to get these VERY important items. THANK YOU IRS FOR MY STIMULUS CHECK!

Thanks to the over 1700 people who've read this. I know it's like a pool owners nightmare and a train wreck you can't help but watch to see how it ends.

Thanks for the rest of you who've posted comments or suggestions! They are immensly appreciated!

Stick around, you never know what is going to happen next................ONLY KIDDING POOL GODS!

:wave: Cindy
Cindy, I have to revive the thread. Can't stand it any longer. Where do you stand now ?

I never saw you answer -- did you have good water flow into the pool from the filter ?

Let us know where you stand now. I hope you've made some progress on the SECOND cleanup now !

I'm still here. Waiting for the pump and refill for test kit to arrive. Still have yuck in the pool. Shocking as I write but it's hard to post numbers cause I can't test my FC level. I had to use the pool calc to get my number up from FC 3 to FC 20. I sure wish I knew what this was. I can sweep it from side to side until it finally disperses into a rusty/yellow/green haze. Then it settles again. Doesn't seem to be reacting to the high level of bleach though. Can someone tell me what algae does during shock? What does it look like? Last time I used algaecide it made the water white but I'm only using bleach now.

PS. I made my son cry last night because I wouldn't let him in the pool. Told him it looked like rain (it did-storms brewing everyday) but when it didn't rain he cried again because he said he could have gotten in afterall. Then I told him the chlorine was too high and he asked why. When I told him I added bleach he said, bleach was for clothes NOT the pool and cried again! :cry:
Get him to help you with the testing. Much easier if you give them something constructive to do so they can be involved. My son Tyler wants to be in the middle of everything so it's either get him to help or let him make a mess of things. I talk him through each step of the water testing and he's fascinated. I try to make a big deal of the water turning pink or green for the TA test. He thinks it's hilarious.

It is hard to tell them the pool isn't clean though. I was right there with you a month ago.

Refills came to test but still no pump :( Maybe tomorrow....

Been backwashing the filter at least once a day (did it twice today though) and scrubbing. Still the ?? stuff on the bottom after shocking.

My numbers for today


Shocking and will see if it holds overnight.
Do you have a vac hose / vac head that you can use? Just stop the filter and let it all settle out and the vac to waste to get out whatever is in there. If it's just dirt / debris, that's your best bet to get it out. Maybe after the new pump arrives ?


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austinsmom01 said:
PS. I made my son cry last night because I wouldn't let him in the pool. Told him it looked like rain (it did-storms brewing everyday) but when it didn't rain he cried again because he said he could have gotten in afterall. Then I told him the chlorine was too high and he asked why. When I told him I added bleach he said, bleach was for clothes NOT the pool and cried again! :cry:


Does he understand that you're putting in the bleach to clean the water so that people don't get sick from it? Bleach is for cleaning. Clothes and water, and if you don't clean the water, it can make you ill.

The water gets dirty, and you have to clean it, and just like you can't wear your clothes while they are being cleaned, you can't swim in your pool either.

I was way fascinated by the pool guy's water testing kit when I was little. Drops and color.

Seems like there are some great practical chemistry lessons in pool water maintenance.
Must be something going on. FC last night went from 15 to 13 this am so....more bleach and another day.....sigh......Did I mention the rain? It's poopoooing my pool swimming fun! (insert hysterical crying here-by me this time)
Alfred Beachport said:
Does he understand that you're putting in the bleach to clean the water so that people don't get sick from it? Bleach is for cleaning. Clothes and water, and if you don't clean the water, it can make you ill.

I explained that I was shocking the pool and that brought on a whole new set of questions. 8 year olds are very inquisitive! Not sure why I used the word shock but I then explained that when you shock, you raise the chlorine levels really high (by adding bleach) to kill whatever the yucky is on the bottom. I told him that it could make him sick and skin itchy and that explanation was good enough for him. While I'm out scrubbing, he's playing with the dog.
Since a lot of people are adding their two cents to this thread, I'll add mine.

First, I wouldn't backwash so often. If you backwash, say at 10 lbs, let it go until it hits 15 lbs. When ever it hitting the mark where you backwash, give it an extra 5 lbs before you backwash.(but don't go to high, like above 25 lbs)

Second, at night before dark, I would hook-up the vacuuming equiptment, but turn the vacuuming head up-side-down, to act as a bottom drain, and let it run all night.

Third, I would buy a bag of DE filter stuff. I would add it to the sand filter. (but not before I read the post about adding DE to a sand filter. In your case, I would only mix 1/2 cup to start with.

From a post by waste...... If you want to supplement the sand with DE, mix 1 cup in a gallon of water and add it to the skimmer - wait 20 min and see how much more the pressure is reading on the gauge. Add 1 cup/ 1 gal until you see the pressure on the gauge is 1 psi higher than when you started - keep track of how much it took to get the 1 psi rise and just use that same amount in the future all at once.

I still wonder if everyone here(including myself) is not missing something; like pollen in your yard is worse than normal yards, or a dusty dirt road is nearby.

Good luck
Hotrod30 said:
Since a lot of people are adding their two cents to this thread, I'll add mine.
I appreciate them

First, I wouldn't backwash so often. If you backwash, say at 10 lbs, let it go until it hits 15 lbs. When ever it hitting the mark where you backwash, give it an extra 5 lbs before you backwash.(but don't go to high, like above 25 lbs)
Ok but I thought when you were fighting algae you had to backwash often???

Second, at night before dark, I would hook-up the vacuuming equiptment, but turn the vacuuming head up-side-down, to act as a bottom drain, and let it run all night.
How about just the vacuum hose? Will that do?

Third, I would buy a bag of DE filter stuff. I would add it to the sand filter. (but not before I read the post about adding DE to a sand filter. In your case, I would only mix 1/2 cup to start with.
I will consider this but have to read more about it.

From a post by waste...... If you want to supplement the sand with DE, mix 1 cup in a gallon of water and add it to the skimmer - wait 20 min and see how much more the pressure is reading on the gauge. Add 1 cup/ 1 gal until you see the pressure on the gauge is 1 psi higher than when you started - keep track of how much it took to get the 1 psi rise and just use that same amount in the future all at once.

I still wonder if everyone here(including myself) is not missing something; like pollen in your yard is worse than normal yards, or a dusty dirt road is nearby.
No dirt road but lots of trees around and my backyard backs up against a paved road with some traffic but not heavy. I have a wooden security fence that seperates the yard.

Good luck

Wanted to take a sample to the pool store to check for algae/metals but it was early this am and I was already dressed for work. This afternoon, I'll see if I can get in and scoop up some of the "stuff" I'm talking about.
I think that's a really good idea. Find out if you have metals in the water or just DIRT that needs to be vacuumed out.

I have little 1-inch wide low spots in the bottom of my pool all over -- just where the liner has conformed to the shape of the ground below it. If I don't vacuum for a while, the finest little "dust" will form there. I can wipe it away with a finger -- it just floats away -- but it will settle out again in time. I just assume it's fine dirt that we track in or that blows into the pool with the wind. I vacuum once a week or so to keep the bottom clean.

ssmith1627 said:
I think that's a really good idea. Find out if you have metals in the water or just DIRT that needs to be vacuumed out.

I have little 1-inch wide low spots in the bottom of my pool all over -- just where the liner has conformed to the shape of the ground below it. If I don't vacuum for a while, the finest little "dust" will form there. I can wipe it away with a finger -- it just floats away -- but it will settle out again in time. I just assume it's fine dirt that we track in or that blows into the pool with the wind. I vacuum once a week or so to keep the bottom clean.


I'm going to take my sample to the pool store tomorrow and while I'm there I'm going to pick up a skimmer sock or two or three! The cartridge filter seemed to capture the fine dust particles that the sand filter may not be getting. But hopefully my new pump will be there today and I won't need that intex thing anymore! The dust looks rusty/greenish yellow. I haven't seen anything like dead algae floating on the surface after shocking.
MY PUMP ARRIVED! HOLY COW I HAVE WHITE CAPS IN THE POOL! I had no idea what I was missing out on! I mean, I knew the pressure would pick up but I never :shock: ...............When I turned the pump on the rusty mess came out of the filter into the pool so now I'm having to filter that all out again. I backwashed to really clear the sand and it was like taking the cap off a fire hydrant!

The pressure on the gauge is now at 12! It all finally sounds like it's working. My FC is down to 11.5 so I will shock again overnight to see if it holds.

I'm a happy girl tonight! We're cooking with gas now!!!! :party: :cheers:

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