Total Alkalinity Testing

Jul 15, 2016
I just did an abscorbic acid stain treatment on my pool and am bringing it back to balanced levels. I’m currently doing a SLAM because of some algae. When testing my TA, I’m only getting 30ppm. Is this accurate or does the SLAM interfere with the TA test? I figure it could be this low since I added a good amount of MA to drop my pH for the stain removal.

I just reordered a TF100 refill. The other possibility is my test fluids being old. Will older R0007,8,9 throw off my results this much to the low side? Thanks.
It’s more than likely accurate. Slam level fc doesn’t affect the ta test other than possibly making it be different colors but there will still be a definite end point. The reagents should last two years or possibly longer if stored properly.
Fc levels above 10ppm do affect the ph test so you should sort out ph before raising to slam level.
Add a little baking soda to increase your ta to around 60.
Warning, increasing ph much above mid 7’s
raising fc above maintenance target levels may bring the stains back if you didn’t replace the metal laden water as it will wear the sequesterant off.
@dtarantino Are you continuing to add drops until there is no further color change? It typically takes another ~2 drops after the initial color change to reach the endpoint of the test (Barbie pink).
Thanks. I did a full exchange of the water. So I’m feeling confident on the metals. Yes. I see the color change and then another drop to get to the full pink. I put in 3lbs of baking soda today. I’ll recheck tomorrow and see how much that moved things. Probably will need more than that, but that’s all I had for today.
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@dtarantino do you have before and after pics? How many pounds of ascorbic acid did you use? Any tips? I am doing AA treatment on Tuesday and will also to full drain and replacement of water.
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