The husband finally let me take over and I don't want to blow it!!

I'm wondering if By accidentally bring the FC to 22 might have killed things that weren't affected at the 20 and below FC Mark. Would that explain the drop in FC overnight and increase in cc?

No, that's not happening. Your FC/CYA ratio at 20ppm is well above the kill threshold for algae. In order of easiest to kill to hardest to kill it goes like this (simplistically) - viruses, bacteria, protozoan oocysts & bacterial spores and, finally, algae. That's simplistic as there are probably some oocysts that are harder to kill than some spores and algae can be broken up into different types but it's roughly the way it goes.

So at 20ppm you are killing algae and everything else. As you increase your FC you'll oxidize more organics and your FC loss rate will increase a little, but it would seem you still have a ways to go.

You can always bring your pool water up to mustard algae shock levels as that is the hardest type of algae to kill. But TH definitely can not swim when you do that and I would only do it when you can spend time working on the pool (weekends?).

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I just have one question: Have you been able to enjoy your pool? Because I would be swimming in that sucker during the day working on it at night. It seems you are driving yourself batty over miniscule amounts of chemistry.
She doesn't swim...Only TH so far. Maybe once she gets this cleaned up she might change her mind.

But she has said she passed...twice. Once I pass, i stop. I guarantee my pool would not pass on a daily basis. That thing is used to death every day. There were 10 sunscreened and well hydrated kids swimming for about 5 hours straight yesterday. The water was cloudy after and i am sure the CC would have been silly high. But I dosed the pool to account for that and leveled things and have a clear pool this morning.

AM testing:
FC 8.5 (Bumped up due to bather load yesterday)
CC 0 (There were some leaves in the water and skimmer when I tested)
pH 7.6
TA 90
CYA 50
In order of easiest to kill to hardest to kill it goes like this (simplistically) - viruses, bacteria, protozoan oocysts & bacterial spores and, finally, algae. That's simplistic as there are probably some oocysts that are harder to kill than some spores and algae can be broken up into different types but it's roughly the way it goes.

As shown by the kill times in this post, the rough order from easiest to hardest to kill is:

bacteria < viruses < algae < protozoan oocysts (e.g. Giardia, Cryptosporidium), bacterial spores (e.g. iron bacteria), established biofilm or mold

For algae, the rough order is:

green algae < black algae < yellow/mustard algae

though in practice maintaining chlorine levels to prevent green algae also kills black algae until it is established.
I'm with aasbury, call that puppy done & enjoy swimming!
Keep a close eye on FC, CC & any sign of cloudiness/algae.
thank you everyone! Yup, making myself crazy.....and TH even crazier! If I wasn't going to SF to help him clean his rental he probably would have locked the pool up and thrown away the key!! Yes, I did pass OCLT twice so I'll take your good advise and call it all good........for now. I guess I'm just a mad scientist at heart (never got over winning my 7th grade science fair lol)

Besides, I'm out of Clorox. Still here in Reno, TH had a delay, FCis19, CC1.5 and thats how its gonna stay till Monday morning. Have a great weekend everyone, thanks again:D

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Just wondering how the pool is doing. Oh, and you guys too!! :)

Hahaha, thanks for asking about us, too. Good to know you have your priorities right!
Yes, first thing I did was check on the "baby", I was so afraid she turned back into a green monster while I was gone. But good news, she looks better than ever. (Maybe I was giving her too much TLC before I went). Didn't lose much FC (from 19 on Sat afternoon to 9 this a.m.) CC went down from 1.0 to .5. I'm letting her drift down to FC5 then monitor and hold at that FC and continue to watch CC and cloudiness. Then I can redo the other tests acurately. Bueno?

Then what? Should I SLAM again if the FC and CC don't stay in the "safe" range?

Missed you all!!
welcome back, I would try to keep it at fc6 but never below 4.. fc of 5 is really close to bottom...

plan of attack :)

at night, 6pm or so have fc of 5/6
bring up to fc8 and see if it stays at or above fc6 next night at 6pm

if it does stay with that :)
welcome back, I would try to keep it at fc6 but never below 4.. fc of 5 is really close to bottom...

plan of attack :)

at night, 6pm or so have fc of 5/6
bring up to fc8 and see if it stays at or above fc6 next night at 6pm

if it does stay with that :)

thanks Cowboy Casey! I'll follow the plan.
BTW did you say you were having your pool installed? How's that going?
thanks Cowboy Casey! I'll follow the plan.
BTW did you say you were having your pool installed? How's that going?

its going V e r y s l o w l y :) yes, I am still without pool but this saturday is "suppose" to be the day of install, wish me luck :)

I am very happy you and TH have finished your SLAM.. You started out with lots of questions and worries and then you just did it... and man your pool and water has turned out nice.. It really shows how this process works.. GREAT JOB :)
welcome back, I would try to keep it at fc6 but never below 4.. fc of 5 is really close to bottom...

plan of attack :)

at night, 6pm or so have fc of 5/6
bring up to fc8 and see if it stays at or above fc6 next night at 6pm

if it does stay with that :)

Ok, just to make sure I got this right, tonight my FC is 8.5, should I check it in the am for FC8 and see if it stays at or above FC6 tomorrow night at 6pm OR just check it again tomorrow night at 6pm and see if it stays at or above FC6?
Also, should I check CC as well?

And YES, praying that your install goes as planned for Saturday!
Ya know, I only do the FAS-DPD test once a week, or if my OTO (yellow drops) check is lower than I expect.

Once you've gotten past your slam, you can use the "basic" test with the yellow drops. Just look for the yellow result you get to be definitely darker/brighter yellow than the darkest yellow on the comparator. It's not an exact value, but it doesn't have to be... You just need to know that you clearly have >5ppm Cl.
In my records, I usually just record:
CL= 5+ (OTO) very dark yellow​

Now if you have any indication of problems, like dull, or cloudy water.... a lower than expected OTO (lighter yellow) result ... dead animals :shock: ... Etc. then you need to do the full FAS-DPD (powder) test, and check for CC.
And it's good practice to do it weekly no matter what.

I know that once you have the big chemistry set, it's hard to remember that your pool isn't a science experiment-- but you shouldn't feel like you are "chasing numbers" all the time.

Pools are supposed to be fun. And now you know with absolute certainty, that your water is as clean (or cleaner) than what comes out of your tap ...
So go on, put on your ? and join TH in the pool ... You just might find out that pools are as much fun for adults as they are for kids!
(How secluded is your yard? ? :slidehalo:)

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