That's it! I'm Floccing the floc out of this pool....

Dec 16, 2011
So I just built the pool... just filled it up about 2 weeks ago... I've been shocking for a week now and absolutely no change in water clarity.... it wasn't even really that green or cloudy to begin with... and it's been the same for a week now... im not losing chlorine overnight and the only test I have out of whack is TA... I tested chlorine last night.. it was 14... tonight it's 13...
I have a TF100

FC 13
CYA 30
TA 490
Ph 7.2

What's the deal.?? The only thing I can think of is possibly just lots of dirt and debris from back filling around the pool...
I already had posted about that earlier... some others offered suggestions and finally I called the water company and they couldn't give me a value for TA but said everyone has a problem with it when they fill pools... I tested my tap water and it was in the 500's.... it was actually 560 a couple days ago in the pool...

Ch is 75

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Sand filter was back flushed for the first time yesterday... the pressure never really went up but I did it anyway... it had been running 10 days.... it was a little brown but not nuch....

Test kit is brand new...
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