Testing chlorine and color remains pink


May 21, 2021
New York
Pool Size
SWG Type
Intex Krystal Clear
I just got my tf-pro kit and I first tested my CL and pH
pH 7.5
Cl didn’t register yellow at all, it was orange.
I then attempted the chlorine drop test and I was up to almost 21 drops and it was holding pink the whole time, so I didn’t wanna continue in case I was wrong or something wrong.

My salt shows 3500 on aquatrol
And 3000 on a salt strip
How many scoops of powder? & did u use a 10ml sample? If so you only made it to 10.5 fc you need to keep going until it is clear.
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I just got my tf-pro kit and I first tested my CL and pH
pH 7.5
Cl didn’t register yellow at all, it was orange.
I then attempted the chlorine drop test and I was up to almost 21 drops and it was holding pink the whole time, so I didn’t wanna continue in case I was wrong or something wrong.

My salt shows 3500 on aquatrol
And 3000 on a salt strip
21 drops is 10.5 ppm. The block only goes up to 5.

Do the FC test again to the letter of the instructions and add enough drops until the solution runs clear. Divide that number by 2. What is your CYA? If it is at the recommended leave for a SWG 10.5 is not awful in that it shouldn't bleach a liner or something.
21 drops is 10.5 ppm. The block only goes up to 5.

Do the FC test again to the letter of the instructions and add enough drops until the solution runs clear. Divide that number by 2. What is your CYA? If it is at the recommended leave for a SWG 10.5 is not awful in that it shouldn't bleach a liner or something.
53 drops so 26.5 and CYA 90ppm
SLAM level for a CYA of 90 is 35ppm (FC/CYA Levels), so you're below that meaning the pool is still fine and save to swim in.

You are wasting chlorine (cell life) running that high though, so either lower the SWG output or decrease the run time. Target FC for a SWG with your CYA is 6ppm.
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SLAM level for a CYA of 90 is 35ppm (FC/CYA Levels), so you're below that meaning the pool is still fine and save to swim in.

You are wasting chlorine (cell life) running that high though, so either lower the SWG output or decrease the run time. Target FC for a SWG with your CYA is 6ppm.
My output is at about 70% running around 6-8 hours a day
Have you added other sources of chlorine to your pool? Did you recently complete a SLAM? Did you just turn down the SWG?

Your unit produces 12 grams of chlorine gas per hour. That converts to about 10 ounces per day. If my math is correct, running 70% for 8 hours would raise your FC by about 2.2 ppm daily.
Have you added other sources of chlorine to your pool? Did you recently complete a SLAM? Did you just turn down the SWG?

Your unit produces 12 grams of chlorine gas per hour. That converts to about 10 ounces per day. If my math is correct, running 70% for 8 hours would raise your FC by about 2.2 ppm daily.
Didn’t add any chlorine or slam. Just added salt and running SWG

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Do you use a solar cover? If I keep my cover on often times my daily FC usage is only like 0.5ppm. If the pool is covered most of the time and the SWG keeps going the FC could trend up.

Just guessing as there’s really only a few possibilities:
1. FC consumption is lower than expected for some reason.
2. Your pool volume is smaller than estimated.
3. SWG output is higher than expected.
4. Another form of FC is being added to the water. (and you’ve ruled this out).
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Are you letting 1 drop fall per second? If you wait too long between drops it will get pink again thus you will be adding too many drops & coming to a result higher than actual.
Do you use a solar cover? If I keep my cover on often times my daily FC usage is only like 0.5ppm. If the pool is covered most of the time and the SWG keeps going the FC could trend up.

Just guessing as there’s really only a few possibilities:
1. FC consumption is lower than expected for some reason.
2. Your pool volume is smaller than estimated.
3. SWG output is higher than expected.
4. Another form of FC is being added to the water. (and you’ve ruled this out).
I do have to add more water to my pool and I just realized my pump timer isnt working properly. I set it to run last night 11p-3a and I got up at 5:30 and saw it was still running. The clock showed 2a. So I def have to see what’s going on there, it’s a 2 week old salt cell lol (aquatrol)
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