Temperature sensor replacement... how to determine?

Nov 19, 2014
Austin, TX
For awhile now my temp sensor has been throwing weird results. The control board doesn't show any error, but whenever I turn on the spa (we only use it for the spa here in TX) it will often get WAY HOTTER than the 97f I have it set to (kids). I also find it tends to swing from time to time... goes down to like the low 90s, up to 105/108 or something, and back down (it heats up a lot initially, then cycles down, then up).

My assumption is that the temperature sensor is either 1) bad or 2) covered in scale (lot of calcium scaling in central texas, though I keep my chems balanced).

The question I have is how do you determine WHICH sensor you need? My sensor and set-up look like this guys, and is similarly installed on the up pipe from my variable pump:

Temperature sensor for pool heater

Is it based on the control unit? I have a Hayward PLPS... 4 or 8, not sure which, with a variable Hayward pump and a hayward heater. I found the Hayward GLX-PC-12-KIT 10K Thermistor Temperature which seems to be the universal replacement for this (same color, same appearance, references I found use the number) but I'm still not sure.

Does anyone just know the part number for this stupid thing?

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