Taylor kit without calcium test


Gold Supporter
May 26, 2018
Follansbee, Wv
Hey folks,
Is there a Taylor test kit similar to the 2006-c but doesn't include the calcium/hardness test? We have a vinyl pool and our CA measures off the chart right out of the tap. I don't need the chemicals so thought I might save some money if there was a kit that didn't include them.
There are separate refills you could buy, but I'm not sure there is a total kit that excludes the CH test. Even though you have a vinyl pool that doesn't require calcium, we know an elevated CH is quite important to monitor to prevent scale. Do you have any idea what your current CH level is? Your Poolmath logs don't show it.
+1. You don't need it often, but you still need it. Many of us could get away with just a couple CH / CYA / TA / Salt tests a year, but it is what it is. Those of us that have that 'problem' should be grateful we don't have the issues that require frequent testing of those parameters. :)
Hey folks,
Is there a Taylor test kit similar to the 2006-c but doesn't include the calcium/hardness test? We have a vinyl pool and our CA measures off the chart right out of the tap. I don't need the chemicals so thought I might save some money if there was a kit that didn't include them.
Buy the K-2006 with smaller volume regents which is less expensive then you can purchase refills for the ones you use more often. It is always good to have the CH test - for home water supply testing.
Sorry, I haven't logged test results in a long time. We have extraordinarily hard water. It's off the scale out of the tap so I can only say it's over 1000. To counter the scale and cloudiness I tend to keep the pH on the lower side, around 7.2, which is not hard as our water is naturally acidic. I also keep the wife from running the solar heater all summer long to keep the heat down a bit.
I already have a list of the chems I use the most, so I'll just order them and a new comparator.
Thanks anyway.
Follansbee water is drawn from a series of deep wells. We clean and/or replace shower heads and faucet aerators almost every year. It wreaks havoc on washing machines, dishwashers and ice makers too. Out of the tap our water is higher than the Taylor test can measure.
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