SWG with OmniLogic setup


May 28, 2022
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite Pro (T-15)
I currently have a 20x40 pool with a TCELL 15 connected to my Omnilogic panel. I also run a variable pump 24/7 at various speeds to handle all filtering. My questions is around the SWG setup in the Omnilogic. It shows a percentage and I started with 50% but it seems to high after I test the FC which is at 7 instead of the normal 1-4ppm. I keep bring the percentage down but still doesn't look like its coming down enough. There is also this SC option that is set on my panel to 3 hours and I'm not entirely sure when this runs but it looks like its offline and not enabled. Does it SC automatically? I have no schedules. Is this something I need to look at?

This SWG setup is a bit confusing. Is there a simple formula I'm missing to make this all work in the end to establish a value for FC to be between 1-4?
I do. The problem is understanding how to best apply settings to the SWG. Set the percentage to 50% to start with no schedule and super Chlorinate once a week for 3 hours? That’s my current struggle.
If you run your pump 24/7 then the SWG should be generating 24/7.

Set the SWG % to give you the daily FC you need. Then tweak the SWG % up or down if your FC is low or high.
I currently have a 20x40 pool with a TCELL 15 connected to my Omnilogic panel. I also run a variable pump 24/7 at various speeds to handle all filtering. My questions is around the SWG setup in the Omnilogic. It shows a percentage and I started with 50% but it seems to high after I test the FC which is at 7 instead of the normal 1-4ppm. I keep bring the percentage down but still doesn't look like its coming down enough. There is also this SC option that is set on my panel to 3 hours and I'm not entirely sure when this runs but it looks like its offline and not enabled. Does it SC automatically? I have no schedules. Is this something I need to look at?

This SWG setup is a bit confusing. Is there a simple formula I'm missing to make this all work in the end to establish a value for FC to be between 1-4?
Agreed that it can be confusing at first. But no- there really is no formula and every pool is different. Heck, even your own pool will be different day to day, month to month, etc... Personally, what I try to do is find the approximate spot where it holds nearish to the middle of the range that I'm shooting for then walk away. I don't use SC at all- I always keep some jugs of liquid around to bump up when needed so I just spare the cell from that task.

The schedules are great, IMHO, but I did turn the SWG on and off manually until I felt like I had everything dialed in to where it needed to be. Now it all runs on a schedule and about the only thing I change is adjusting the output up a bit as the water temperature increases and back down once fall arrives (and completely off when the water gets too cold to even bother with it).
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