SWG Power vs Time

Jul 7, 2016
Been trying to search for an answer through the threads, but haven't found anything. Perhaps my searching technique is not sufficient. :LOL:. I apologize if this has been answered in some form.

I installed my RJ60+ (currently powered off) the other day and opened my pool yesterday. All numbers are good with exception of salt and CYA. Added half the amount of salt along with 6 lbs of CYA in 3 socks around my returns.

Here's the question: Is it better to run the SWG at a high power (Chlorine output) for a shorter time, or run it longer at less output? For example: 100% for 2 hours or 40% for 8 hours. (Not necessarily my real numbers)
I believe they are rated for hours, right? So I would assume higher out put for less time is the way to go? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
As far as the SWCG is concerned - it could care less if it is on 100% or 10%.

Some like to add the chlorine over a long period (even 24 hours per day) and other when the sun is on the pool, etc. Really depends on your pool and your desires. As you have a VS pump, it will cost very little to run the pump for longer periods of time.
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The 15000 hours is generating time. So if run at 100% for 1 hour or 10% for 10 hours, that is the same generating time.
Personally I like finding a SWG runtime that allows me to get enough chlorine for my average usage with the SWG set to around 50%. That way I have some elbow room to turn it up or down to adjust for the conditions. Lets say 100% for 4 hours gives me enough Cl in average conditions. But If I set my SWG to run at 100% for a given time, then I have no way to adjust it up if there is more demand (like the swimmer load or hot weather). On the other end, I can adjust it down if I decide to put my cover on, knowing I will lose less chlorine.
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Been trying to search for an answer through the threads, but haven't found anything. Perhaps my searching technique is not sufficient. :LOL:. I apologize if this has been answered in some form.

I installed my RJ60+ (currently powered off) the other day and opened my pool yesterday. All numbers are good with exception of salt and CYA. Added half the amount of salt along with 6 lbs of CYA in 3 socks around my returns.

Here's the question: Is it better to run the SWG at a high power (Chlorine output) for a shorter time, or run it longer at less output? For example: 100% for 2 hours or 40% for 8 hours. (Not necessarily my real numbers)
I believe they are rated for hours, right? So I would assume higher out put for less time is the way to go? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
My Circupool SWG is rated for 10,000 hours so they say, so...
I use a timer as a disconnect from power running within the pump “on” hours, and I run as few hours as I can by increasing output. (No super chlorination).
I have no idea if this does anything or not.
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