Swamp to pool conversion

Yeah, I hate that it has gone so slow too. I bet the current residents are getting a kick out of it though. I hope to see you get around that corner very soon Dog...I am getting anxious now looking for that big change.
Lots of snickers for sure.

Better visibliity again for sure. 4-5 feet now. Noticed that the fine dirt likes to settle at the top of the incline from the deep end. Right where the shallow ends and it starts to get deeper, it is not really wrinkled but there must be a slight ledge, so I am able to vac that up now that I know it is there. Not getting much sand out anymore, but got two leaves from the bottom drain, and about 2-3 dozen of the "rollie" bugs from the floor, along with the fine dirt.

A bit of a scare. I tested FC at 5.5 last night. That after adding 13 FC the previous night, since it was testing at 7.0. To put in perspective, I typically add 6-10 FC a day, to try and maintain 10-12 FC. So I added 14 FC last night to try and compensate for a bad batch of bleach or something.

Stopped this morning, and FC reads 21, so apparently it was testing error on my part. :hammer:
I did use some (12 oz) of Tri-chlor a few days back. CYA was 25 last I tested a few weeks back. Per calc that should laeave me at 27.5 max now (after backwash daily probably a bit less.)

intend 20-30 for now (until algea gone), 30-40 when its clear, 70-80 when I add the SWG (next year?)
Sounds like you're making a little progress! I know you are working hard, but try to minimize those slips down to 5.5, as they slow you way down. I think youll do better targeting 15 on FC. Keeping it as close to there as much as possible will speed it up. CYA is fine for now till you clear up. Dont worry yourself with anything more at this ponit unless you get a pH rise. Keep bangin away man, and thanks for the update.
Thanks Patrick.

That 5.5 had to be a test error, nothing else makes sense, unless mosquitoes add to the FC level (they were thick last night). 5-Drop test was a deep orange this morning and FAS/DPD gave me 21. I expect 13-17 PPM when I test tonight and then I will be back on track. Still curious if the CYA add had something to do with my odd FC results. pH measured near 7.5 - good enough while I complete the shock.

Should be able to get a picture of the floor tonight. Did one a few days back, but the image just looked like a big blue blob. It is actually a checkered pattern, like the pattern shown on the skimmer pic I took under a diffrent topic.
Testing is back to normal. Pool still "eats" 6-10 FC a day. Quite an expensive pet for the time being. Visbility is near 5 feet now and continues to improve at a slow but constant rate.

People actually WANT to get in the pool now. This is a far cry from where I started and I have actually received a few compliments on the progress so far. Still work to do though.

What is the deal with the scented bleach? Bleach prices seem to have jumped up since I started cleaning the pool. Sams is up about 15%, and store "sales" seem to be higher than their normal prices a month ago, so when I found a local sale at 4 gallons for $5 of 5.25%, I rushed and bought 8 gallons (about 2-3 days for me). I returned the next day, and all they had left was the scented stuff. Same price, but I noticed it does not list the concentration on those bottles.
[attachment=1:vlf0790y]shallow floor 2.jpg[/attachment:vlf0790y]
[attachment=0:vlf0790y]shallow floor 3.jpg[/attachment:vlf0790y]


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Thanks for the update and new pic. You're getting there! Don't buy the scented bleach. It had extra additives that you don't want to put in your pool. The same is true for the spillproof or "gel" types, stay away from them also. Stick to plain old bleach.
Good to know, thanks so much. Was just hoping the concentration was lower, as to why it was frowned upon. Dont need to be adding any more "junk", got enough of that already. Wish those 182 ounce Clorox were more reasonable in price. They pour so nice and seem to be good quality.

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OMG you are soooo almost there. Woot!

Keep hitting it hard. If you can keep the FC up at shock level you're all going to be swimming in a week.

It looks fabulous! Cloudy, sure but wow what a difference. Just filter that dead algae out and maintain shock level. The 6-10ppm FC loss will drop now that you're turning the corner. We all replace around 2-4ppm each day anyway, with balanced pools.
Thanks. Glad this point has finally come, but I am told there are still dirt piles in the deep end. Also I still pull out bugs from down there every now and then. I keep vacuuming and hope to hit the "pockets", but it sure will be nice to know for sure that I am hitting them. Also, I am told that there is stringy debris in the floor drain, so I am going to be doing some diving once the floor is near visible.

Whoa poboy, I had to read that last sentence a few times. :shock: Still not sure what you had in mind, but pretty sure you are not British :mrgreen: I had a good deal on 12.5%, 27 gallons, figured it would last me until October, but I guess that was quite a miscalculation on my part. Still looking for another deal like that one.

That is looking like a pool now! :party: :party: :party:

Oh man, so glad to see this. Once you get the last junk out of the deep, it will turn completely and rapidly so. So glad to see this, man it was grim for a while wasn't it? Not saying you should, but I wish we could dive in and clean the deep by hand and be done. You're nearly there man! Excellent work. Come back soon for an update ok?
Ah, Menards, that is where I got $2.49/gallon, but now they want $3.99/gallon.

I do my best cleaning from IN the pool now. No Ill effects, and I think it cuts down on the mosquito bites I receive. Cuts down on the heat exhaustion too.

I keep hearing of this corner, where the pool will go from cloudy to clear overnight. Mine is just a bit at a time, so the bugs on the floor or the piles of dust must be holding me back. I am just going to keep doing what I am doing, as long as there is progress, until it clears up. In the meantime, I will keep looking for ideas to make it go faster.

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