Suggestions in Redoing Return Lines Near Filter to Level SWG and Eliminate Leak


LifeTime Supporter
Feb 22, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
I have been dealing with leak at the unions of my SWG the past couple of years and I want to actually be proactive in fixing it so I know longer have a leak at my SWG unions this next swim season. Basically, the issue is that the return lines have settled and are now too much lower than the line coming out of my filter to allow me to get a good seal on both unions of my SWG. If I prop up the union closest to the return lines then it helps improve the angle and get a better seal but I still have a drip all season long.

I am looking for suggestions on re-plumbing this equipment pad to help get everything level again so it stops leaking. My initial thought it to extend the vertical length of all 6 return lines as much as necessary to make the SWG level. Or can it be as simple as digging them up near the 90 and putting some gravel/sand underneath the elbow to get it high enough?

Please see attached pictures. Thanks in advance.

Imported 8-27-11 00114.JPGIMG_3814.JPG20231029_134139.jpg20231029_134156.jpg
Your problem begins with the flex PVC that does not support the weight of the valve assembly.

Did you install all those ball valves?

Having rigid PVC would prevent the movement and support the valve structure.
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Reactions: DavidArmenB
If you heat up the short pipe between the filter and the SWG, you could put a slight S-Bend in the pipe to get it to the correct elevation.
Good thought. Honestly, since it was 13 years ago I forgot exactly how they connected the flex to the rigid and I was nervous about breaking any joints with putting too much pressure on it. Looking at those old pics makes me think that I can probably do what you are suggesting without causing any damage. I guess if it does break something I'll just repair it since I was considering doing something anyway. Thanks.
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