Stupid CYA test - comparing to standard - i know i need to add for new SWG, but how much


Gold Supporter
Jul 14, 2019
Hickory, NC
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Turbo Cell (T-CELL-5)
I’m having the hardest time with this test. I’ve read all the tips and everything.

so i bought a container of standard and an extra bottle and tube, so i can run the standard test next to my pool test.

it’s overcast today, which i know isnt ideal. I’ll try again in the sun, but it is what it is.

when i do the standard test to 50 the dot is still very clearly visible. I did my pool water and the dot on my pool water disappeared at 50. So comparing the two, i would say there’s more CYA in my water then the standard. I would have written my test down at 50 without having the standard next to it. Am i safe to call mine 60?

i just got my SWG running a few days ago, so i know i need to get more CYA into the water soon, so was trying to get a good read on where i am before i add. Since I’m thinking I’m around 60, and My current chlorine is 7 (morning read on a cloudy day. I do hope it’ll burn some off before PM), i feel like I’m close enough to wait until a sunnier day to test the cya and hopefully get a more accurate result before i add.

and yes, my chlorine seems to be ranging higher then maybe i want right now, but i haven’t adjusted on the SWG yet. I’ve left it where the installer put it as i wasn’t sure where to set it.

A CYA of 50 or 60 will work with your SWCG.. If you increase your CYA to 70 you will just use a little less FC per day.

I find it interesting that you are worried over having an FC of 7.. That is not near being too high..

I suggest that you try to maintain your Target level or higher.. Trying to stay between the minimum and your target is just too much work and if you have a sunny day with a lot of bathers, your FC can dip below the minimum... I view the minimum as a cliff that I never want to fall off..


Jim R.
People lose far too much sleep over CYA testing. Make it look like your 50ppt reference solution. The CYA range is fairly wide so a little fudging isn't the end of the world.

This is my reference solution photo. I did this from several locations and always got the below. So that is what I target when doing actual testing.

I was looking at the CYA chart for SWG. It said 4 is target for 60 CYA and 5 is target for 70, so i assumed sitting at 7 is too high.
i wrote in my notes from one of the pool school articles that my target is 4-6 when measured in early evening.

i am happy to adjust what my range should be, i was just going by what i read. I don’t have a good understanding of what is too high.

I understand completely... I was just trying to point out that there is no downside to running a little high.. But there is a huge downside to running too low.. Running a little high allows you to test less often, and not worry about it being cloudy one day and sunny the next. I almost never adjust my SWCG down because it is making too much chlorine. It just makes my life easier :mrgreen: .


Jim R.
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ok, walk me through it like I’m 5 years old. :giggle: I am very sincerely trying to figure this out and never ever have to talk to the pool builder about my water again. They put things in it. Unknown things. Do not like. i have requested no more things be added by them. (we are still mid build)

chlorine target is 4-6 from the reading.
but it is safe to swim in up to SLAM level, which at 60 Cya is 24, so really high. It wouldn’t ever be that high unless i did it on purpose for SLAM reasons. (I think?)

so hanging out around 7 is ok.
how high of a range is ok on the regular. Is 10 ok?

my SWG is set to 35%. I am not totally certain what the husband has set the pump to. I think 100% 8 hours a day. Lowest setting 8 hours a day, and somewhere in the middle for the rest. He has told me… it’s just… my eyes glazed over and i now i cannot remember. :oops:

anyyyyyway. Basically. how high is it ok to be when it’s sitting just a little high

Technically, it is completely safe to swim in water up to the SLAM level.. But I tend to agree with you that 10 or so is where I would start adjusting the SWCG's output down a little or reducing the pump run time.

Your cell, in your pool, should generate about 8 ppm of FC per day, when running the SWCG at 100% output for 24 hour. If you are running the pump 24 hours a day and the cell at 35% then the cell should be adding about 2.8 ppm of FC to your pool each day. Which sounds about right to me.. Most pools use 2 to 4 ppm per day..


Jim R.
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Hey Jen !!! Super HUGE + 1 to all things Jim above. I targeted 10 as my FC and the SWG almost always went higher than that so I would turn it off for a day if I caught it above 15. Not gonna lie. It was 13-17 *alot* due to me not caring because I never once worried about being low.

Now, to be fair, Extra run time that you don’t need will decrease the cell lifespan accordingly, but considering your off season, the cell will still last plenty long to feel like you got your money’s worth. When you get 5-7 truely trouble/worry free seasons out of it you’ll race out and buy another one to overuse when the time comes.
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