Stiff nylon brush for black algae in vinyl pool

May 30, 2013
I have black algae in my vinyl pool. Yes, I know it's not supposed to get in vinyl pools because of the slick vinyl surface, but my liner is old and porous. The black dots of algae smear green and can be scrubbed off but not with my regular nylon pool brush. I've gotten the spots off of the entire shallow end by duct taping a scrub brush to my foot and scrubbing it off that way. The problem is that I can't reach the deep end with this method.

I need a pool brush for my pole with stiffer bristles than a standard nylon pool brush, but not soo stiff as to damage the liner (so definitely no wire bristles). Does anyone know of such brush?
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If your liner is old enough that it’s porous and has black algae, I’m surprised your normal pool brush doesn’t tear through it. :eek:
I was going to replace the liner last fall but when my pool guy looked at it he said "no way". He said that even though it was faded and a had a few wrinkles, it was holding water just fine. He also said that "these older liners are a lot more durable than the newer ones because they have more petroleum in them." I have no idea if this is true.

If I can't find an effective scrubber for my pole, I'm seriously considering renting a scuba tank.
awindram, good idea about duct taping the scrub brushes to your feet for the shallow end. I'll have to do that. I'm having the same problem so I'll be following this thread.

Anyone else have suggestions? Everyone says black algae in vinyl pools are unlikely, yet I got it this year. I suspect it is due to a turtle that got into my pool from a nearby pond.
What kind of pool guy says “no way” to what sounds like a much needed liner replacement?
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