
Mar 28, 2021
Durham, NC
We are doing blue surf pebblesheen. We live in NC so I’m concerned about using a glass tile for a step marker. We are going to avoid. What suggestions or combos have you used for regular tile for step and bench markers that will stand out? Thank you for your insight.
Welcome to TFP :)

I am using Marble blue tile for the whole pool and my step tiles will be a complete white tile... Something with an offset color that will bring your attention works the best.. :)

I am using CEL 211 and 201
Thank you! Can’t wait to see pictures.
Check all these out, most have step tiles and maybe you will see one you like :)

I don't have any recommendations for you, but we just used glass tile with Blue Surf Pebble Sheen and it seems to stand out plenty. This picture has a lot of reflection making it harder to see, but in person it definitely stands out.

Im in NC also, my PB told us not to use glass tiles for waterline tile due to freezing temps and them popping off. But under water glass tiles as step markers I would think would be ok. As long as they always have water over the tiles and no ice, which our pools usually don't freeze here, you should be ok.
Im in NC also, my PB told us not to use glass tiles for waterline tile due to freezing temps and them popping off. But under water glass tiles as step markers I would think would be ok. As long as they always have water over the tiles and no ice, which our pools usually don't freeze here, you should be ok.
He said that even under the water with the expanding and contracting of the concrete and water they would still be inclined to pop off. He said that after they pop off the pebblesheen finish would have to be redone and it would never match. Thoughts? He scared me to death LOL
Its true that if they did pop off you would have to patch the pebble finish. I just don't know if I believe a glass tile will pop off under water that is not frozen. Maybe some of the other experts on this forum will chime in. My water temp at the coldest part of this winter was in the 40s. We didn't get the hard freeze the rest of the country had but we had our usual few nights in the teens like most winters. Its always better to be safe than sorry so I would probably listen to the PB, I just have my doubts.
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