Starting from scratch


Bronze Supporter
Mar 29, 2016
Joplin, MO
We had to replace our pool liner this year and it was done once the temps hit 60 degrees for a day. It is about 27K gallons and I've maintained it with liquid pool chlorine, MA, baking soda, CYA, and Borax for 4 seasons without any issues. This year has been a nightmare. First of all, we have been unable to find enough liquid pool chlorine so I have now gone to dry dichlor stuff. The pH won't stabiliize and I'm needing to add MA in large amounts. I've put 3 boxes of borax in so far to stop the wild swings. I also have a big algae problem, which I've never had before. I shocked the pool again two weeks ago and despite keeping the FC between 2 and 4, I have algae all over the walls once again. MY TA is 110, temp is 85, pH 7.8, CYA is 50. Do I dump more borax in?
Check the FC/CYA chart. I believe 4 is the bare minimum for 50 CYA and target is 6-8. I think you've been keeping you FC under the minimum for CYA and should probably SLAM the pool. Are you using a TFP approved test kit?
Yes, green pool - you must follow the SLAM Process. Also familiarize yourself with the ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry. Exactly right on the FC/CYA Levels relationship. It’s key and not adhering will almost surely cause a green or cloudy pool.
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