Stand-alone Pool Chiller (Not Glacier)


Nov 9, 2022
Houston, TX
Hi all,

I'm looking to see if anyone has a stand alone pool chiller (vs a heat pump heater/chiller combo). Or even if they make such a thing. I've done research on the Glacier evap cooler and I've heard too many mixed things (I'm in Houston). And while I appreciate the advice, I'm also not interested in sprinklers, fountains, etc,. Just looking to see if anyone has any recommendations for a chiller.

I've got a gas heater already so it seems like a heat pump/chiller would be extraneous. Someone recommended the Raypak Crosswind unit.

Appreciate any real world experience or recommendations. Thanks!
I am in similar situation. We have not used our pool since early June because the water temperature is just too Dang hot. For the last month or so I have averaged 96-98 degrees. Got to 99 for a day or 2. I was about to start looking into the glacier cooler. Did you say you received mixed reviews. I’m in New Orleans so we are hot and humid. I alreadt have a 400kbtu heater so only need cooling.
I am in similar situation. We have not used our pool since early June because the water temperature is just too Dang hot. For the last month or so I have averaged 96-98 degrees. Got to 99 for a day or 2. I was about to start looking into the glacier cooler. Did you say you received mixed reviews. I’m in New Orleans so we are hot and humid. I alreadt have a 400kbtu heater so only need cooling.
Search for Glacier and you’ll find a number of Houston area members who have had success with the Glacier. I think there may be a couple from NOLA, too.

I’m in the Dallas area, so my climate is drier than yours. But we get our share of humidity. Our pool was getting into the 90s by mid-summer until I finally got a chiller. I had similar concerns and almost went with a heater/chiller combo, until I realized how expensive those things are to run. I’m happy to report that my pool maxes out at 85°, and that’s in an intense heat wave that has seen highs around 110° and lows of only 85°. In a more normal summer, water temp usually maxes at 83°. But I also have a good spot for the chiller - heavily shaded with no direct sun. I know that helps. The pool is in full sun for most of the day.

The Glacier isn’t perfect. It won’t cool your pool by 10°-12° overnight like they claim. It takes 2-3 days to get that kind of drop. I’ve found that by getting ahead of high temps, I don’t need the big one-time drop. I run the chiller every day, all summer long, which is how I keep a relatively steady temp range. You’ll also add lots of water during hot and dry times, like what we’re going through now. I’m adding water just about every day. Last, and probably my greatest concern, is the sump pump. If it fails, you can drain your pool and flood your yard. In order for the Glacier to be effective, you have to run it overnight. I’m always concerned that I’m going to wake up to a flooded yard. But I’ve had it for around 7 years now with no pump failure, so I just live with it.
I've wondered if you could rig up one of the coolers designed for a cold plunge bath. They are designed to reduce and hold up to 90 gallons down to 37-39 degrees...but if you only need it to reduce a much larger volume by one or two degrees (or even just hold temp during the day) would it work?