Stain from my chlorine float


Jun 26, 2023
Phila Pa
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I wasn't sure where to post this question. My plaster is about 7 weeks old, I have been extremely careful with it and within the last few days added a chlorine float. The float is a decorative float (solar cell enclosed globe light) and unbeknownst to me there are 4 exit holes on the bottom of the float. Anyway, the float got trapped on my top step and left a mark. Any ideas how I can get rid of this?

I tried uploading but the system stated the photo was too large. New item by Robert W
I wasn't sure where to post this question. My plaster is about 7 weeks old, I have been extremely careful with it and within the last few days added a chlorine float. The float is a decorative float (solar cell enclosed globe light) and unbeknownst to me there are 4 exit holes on the bottom of the float. Anyway, the float got trapped on my top step and left a mark. Any ideas how I can get rid of this?

I tried uploading but the system stated the photo was too large. New item by Robert W
Assuming it’s bleached out with chlorine I’d think the only solution to fix would be sanding the area down to expose the plaster underneath. But assuming this is a colored plaster I also would just wait it out a bit and see if the rest of it fades and makes the stain. less noticeable. Could also acid wash it, but that’ll reduce the life of the plaster somewhat.
Assuming it’s bleached out with chlorine I’d think the only solution to fix would be sanding the area down to expose the plaster underneath. But assuming this is a colored plaster I also would just wait it out a bit and see if the rest of it fades and makes the stain. less noticeable. Could also acid wash it, but that’ll reduce the life of the plaster somewhat.
Thanks for the reply. Not what I wanted to hear but that makes sense.
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