Spa overflowing suddenly


Oct 21, 2023
St George, UT
Pool guy replaced the sand in my filter over the weekend and put my pool back in auto. Now the spa level seems an inch or two higher than usual, the waterfall feature is way thicker and the water is spilling out of the spa under the coping and on to the pool deck. We're expecting a short freeze and don't want water under the coping or under the deck!

What exactly regulates the spa level?

I feel bad that my pool guy has had to work on my pool three days in a row since the multiport busted. It's been one thing after another. I'd love to fix this one myself if I can so he can spend time with family.

Pool is three years old. :/


That looks like a spa that should overflow into the pool, so I am puzzled by your question..

Does your spa not normally overflow into the pool?

Show us a pic of your equipment pad.. It could be the valves are set to send too much water to the spa.

It could be your return valve is stuck in the spa position when it should be in the pool position.


Jim R.
If I understand your post, it appears that your spa spilled over before too, but it’s now spilling over at a higher rate? Perhaps the valve controlling the spa returns / spa spillover was opened up more than it was before?

Also, the more experienced members can correct me if I’m wrong, but I really don’t think water is supposed to be able to go underneath the coping. Was the area above the tile never sealed/waterproofed?

I assume you have a VS pump.. If so, then it could be running at a very high speed..

If you show us some pics or your equipment pad, we can try to figure out what is going on.


Jim R.
If I understand your post, it appears that your spa spilled over before too, but it’s now spilling over at a higher rate? Perhaps the valve controlling the spa returns / spa spillover was opened up more than it was before?

Also, the more experienced members can correct me if I’m wrong, but I really don’t think water is supposed to be able to go underneath the coping. Was the area above the tile never sealed/waterproofed?
It's concrete coping, so I don't think it's supposed to be touching to bond beam. It has that plastic moulding everywhere but not on corners so it doesn't look like it was designed to be watertight.


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