Some residu on the shell (see the test results of the water)

Edwin, it looks like your PH is high, should be around 7.2/7.4 Also, you do not show your free chlorine level or are you using bromine? Also, if you bring your TA down between 40 to 60 your PH will not rise as fast.

Can you get Ahh some, it is worth every penny and works great... you would follow the instructions and clean you spa, empty the water and refill and balance then enjoy your spa again..

Ahh-Some for Jetted Baths, Hot Tubs Swim Spas - Ahh-Some Water Cleanser for Your Pool, Hut Tub, Jet Bath, Swim Spa and Washing Machine
no problem, you could try to SLAM your spa, it is exactly like a pool just smaller :) I do a SLAM about every 3 months just to rid the combined chlorine that rise cause I have the lid on all the time. this would be the next best thing if you can not get the ahhsome..

Also, with a 225 gallon spa you may need to replace the water about every 4 months depending on how much you use it... I tend to replace mine at 6 months but I have close to 700 gallons. If you do replace the water, do a SLAM before you empty to clean all the gunk out of the pipes and them empty it.
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