Solar cover dirty from mowing


Well-known member
May 24, 2021
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Liquid Chlorine
Got a solar cover and it does as advertised. I always use it bubbles down. Only issue im having is the top of it collects all kinds of dust/dirt and everytime i roll it up and put it back on it deposits the dirt. Im vacuuming sand daily because of it. We have an open yard, very sunny, sandy, dry and at times windy. Mowing lawn leaves the most debris on it. Wondering if id be better leaving cover off while mowing to allow the debris in all at one time?
If it’s dry it will sweep to one area where you can then either scoop it off, or tug that area over the side and dump it.
I always used my leaf blower to get the big stuff and dust off. The remaining which was not much most times did make into the water and got routed to the skimmer or vacuumed up.
I only use mine in early spring to help bring the water temp up and keep it on at night to help keep evaporation down and heat lose.
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