Small hole in fibre glass pool - putty or patch?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2020
Uruguay - SA
Hi Guys,

I need to fix a small hole (size of a dime) in my 12 yr old fibre pool. Right at the bottom of the pool.

Looking at pool putty or patches (cannot drain the pool).


Which do people recommend?

Losing about 1-2 inches a week (pool is covered most of the time so this is not due to evaporation).
I used a bit of red dye around the hole and looked like some filtered into the hole.
Haven't found any other possible leaks yet.

OMG I cannot believe this country!!!(Uruguay) pool putty on the prohibited items to import!! There is a seller locally and wants 71 USD!! Obviously has a contact(friend) in the customs/importation department.

Anyone visiting Uruguay soon? lol
Sorry Yonny that stinks !! In the States we pay a large premium for anything that they know is for our pools or boats. We can usually get away with something universal that happens to also work for pools/boats. But certain products only have that one use and you’ll be paying for it.

I’m 100% with you that $71USD is an insult, but look at it this way, If it works you solved a potentially very expensive problem for only $71.
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Same here for cars - premium costs for anything auto related.
I am looking around for an alternative. I did see something similar in the pool section of our local hardware store the other month but today they were out of stock (well the staff on the floor didn't have much clue what I was asking for).
Over time the cost of the extra water to top up the pool will cost more than the 71 USD soon.
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