Slimy feeling on our skin??


Gold Supporter
May 12, 2020
My daughter and her friends got out of the pool today and their hair felt like it had slime in it. I tested the pool after and these are the results.
My wife is in the pool now and she says it feels slimy on her skin?
Pump runs 12hrs/Day and swg runs 10hrs/day.
FC too high?
Pool is clear.
I'm confused?

Test Results 08-15-2021 @ 08:42 PM
Free Chlorine: 8.0
Combined Chlorine: 0.0
pH: 7.8
Total Alkalinity: 100
CYA: 50
Salt: 2400
CSI: -0.89
Sounds like you have soft water. Salt and no calcium will create that effect. Like slippery feeling. It’s not an issue with vinyl lined pools but it may be depending on the equipment you use. My pool water feels slippery but I created that on purpose. Slimy would indicate you are coated with something. Could you be adding extra stuff to the pool? Or is slimy being interchanged with slippery?
Had a guest many years back take a shower at our home which is soft water and I quote " he was going on about having a hard time getting the soap off". Had to explain it to him but he wasn't buying it at first as a water softener apparatus was news to him.
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CH was 23 (odd number) from several months ago - shown in Poolmath logs. So you all are correct. Very low CH.

If you want the water to feel 'normal' add about 50 ppm CH worth of calcium.
Added 20lbs of calcium, my FC has been fluctuating along lately. From 8 to 1 within 36hr. I've been trying to regulate with my SWG hours or operation. And I feel like the swings have been getting more and more farther apart.
Checked my CYA last night and I'm at 40. So my assumption is that, that has been the issue. Originally I thought the slimy feeling was too much FC, that's why I started playing with the SWG and created the back and forth of FC, didn't think to just check my CYA and it's importance with stabilizing the FC.
Long story short, I added the calcium, will check levels tonight and add CYA, check that level tomorrow and set my SWG to 5hrs/day and take it from there.
Added 20lbs of calcium, my FC has been fluctuating along lately. From 8 to 1 within 36hr. I've been trying to regulate with my SWG hours or operation. And I feel like the swings have been getting more and more farther apart.
Checked my CYA last night and I'm at 40. So my assumption is that, that has been the issue. Originally I thought the slimy feeling was too much FC, that's why I started playing with the SWG and created the back and forth of FC, didn't think to just check my CYA and it's importance with stabilizing the FC.
Long story short, I added the calcium, will check levels tonight and add CYA, check that level tomorrow and set my SWG to 5hrs/day and take it from there.
Not sure how you do your CYA testing but it's best with bright sun from behind you. Night time doesn't really work here.
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