SLAM going well...when is it safe to swim?

I have been SLAMming for 6 days and water has gone from cloudy green to beautiful crystal clear. My FC shock level is 28 per PoolMath and it has dropped overnight to 22 the past 2 nights. Do I continue to SLAM even though water looks perfect or can I let it drift down to normal FC of 4 and return to normal operations/testing?

A few leaves in the pool but other than that no visible dead algae or debris. The filter I replaced yesterday was quite dirty and I'd even say a bit green. Do I need to SLAM until filter green is gone?


SLAM until you pass the three criteria.

You are done when:

CC is 0.5 or lower;
You pass an OCLT (ie overnight FC loss test shows a loss of 1.0 ppm or less);
And the water is clear.

When all three are true, you are done SLAMing and can allow the FC to drift down to normal levels.

You can swim as long as the FC is at shock level or lower and you can see the bottom of the deep end!

Take care.
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