skimmer leak


New member
Jun 5, 2023
Apologies if this has already been asked, but I have an old decrepit 15 x 30 that has to be relined from time to time. I just reinstalled the skimmer and its leaking from the bottom two corners. The plastic was old and cracked, so i replaced with new and although better, i still have the same leak.
Now...let me back up a bit. Over the years, the skimmer opening in the metal wall has pitted and eroded. So we're on version 4 of skimmer replacement using a butterfly gasket, silicon between the gasket and the liner, and then the standard 3 screw top and bottom, 2 screw left and right attachment from the faceplate to the actual skimmer bucket. Right now, everything is snugged up pretty well. I could probably tighten a bit more, but I'm already distorting the butterfly gasket on the rear, so I hesitate to torque it down much more.

The last gasp is probably what should be done, which is to sand the pitting area, fiberglass both sides and then clamp flat plates on both sides while the glass cures, but if I can do the silicon - gasket trick again, that's greatly preferred.

Other ideas ??

ok, 4 pictures attached. notice that in image 301 there is a dark spot where the notch for the weir is, vs the same notch in image 302. I'm thinking the butterfly gasket has shifted and is allowing water through there ??



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Do you run your pump 24/7 with chlorine pucks in the skimmer. If not, I can also guarantee that the pitting/damage is caused by low pH and high chlorine locally around the skimmer area. Its a really bad practice to put pucks into skimmer basket, especially if you do not run pump 24/7.

Not so much a solution, but at least you can prevent further issues and damage once you have resolved your issue with better practices. If you want to use chlorine pucks (which is not advises on this forum), then at least put them in a floater.
Is your butterfly gasket covering the inside and outside of the pool wall? It would be gasket-liner-pool wall-gasket. Does the leak get worse if you back off the screws a 1/2 turn?
Is your butterfly gasket covering the inside and outside of the pool wall? It would be gasket-liner-pool wall-gasket. Does the leak get worse if you back off the screws a 1/2 turn?
You may have just hit the main issue. I'm pretty sure that its liner, gasket, pool wall, gasket. I used silicon behind the liner and on the butterfly, but if my sequence is wrong and yours is right then i've got a mess that just needs to be completely redone
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