Should I worry about Metal in my pool ?


Well-known member
May 29, 2019
Long Island
Hi all,

I'm sure I am needlessly worrying over something incredibly silly, but will a small piece of metal in my pool while I'm vacuuming cause anything to be concerned about?

The swivel cuff on my vacuum hose developed a crack, and I tried repairing it with gorilla tape, but I eventually used a stainless hose clamp as shown in the pic. I realize it's stainless, but will that have any meaningful effect on metal levels? i manually vacuum once a week for about an hour, although during startup and closing , it's significantly more. So, let's figure the metal clamp is in the pool approx 30 hours each season.

I guess I could buy a new cuff and glue that on, but that's too easy.

Thanks to all in advance


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