Should I push back on my contractor?


Gold Supporter
Mar 6, 2017
We are deep in the build process and after our builder started asking for more $$$ for some various items, it had me take another look at the contract we signed months back. The contract included 2 skimmers (green) and 4 returns (red). We asked for 3 lights (yellow) not facing the house and we're really happy with them.

So, as you can see in the pic below they only put in 1 skimmer and 3 returns.

They are at this point way, way behind on progress and pavers haven't gone how much should I be pushing back here? I think they didn't do the 4th return because of the lights placement. From what I've read the 2nd skimmer is nice, but not necessarily a dealbreaker. However, I am concerned about the flow when the right, bottom quadrant of the pool will not have a return helping circulate.

Basic details: Fiberglass pool, Superflo VS Pump, SWG, 16x37, about 15k gallons and I live in Georgia and lots of trees around.

It'll be interesting what dollar value they'd like to assign to those items. I do not want it to harm the functionality of the pool and don't know enough to know what to let go of and what not to.

edit: I'm reading around on here and some folks are fine with 3. I have 2 drains deep end.
That pool would benefit from 2 skimmers, Probably too difficult to do now but your refund should be more than just chump change. You have good leverage in that you could INSIST the 2nd skimmer be installed and he will NOT want to do that.

A deal is a's not pushback to get what you paid for.
That pool would benefit from 2 skimmers, Probably too difficult to do now but your refund should be more than just chump change. You have good leverage in that you could INSIST the 2nd skimmer be installed and he will NOT want to do that.

A deal is a's not pushback to get what you paid for.

Thank you duraleigh. I agree it's probably difficult to install the 2nd skimmer now. A cursory search online suggests around $1,000.

It's interesting because there is some marker on the wall from where the second skimmer would have gone, but I had assumed they chose the opposite side for some reason. Didn't even remember the 2 skimmer part of the deal.

There was another line item calling for 2 concrete stairs (weren't sure how much drop there was going to be from existing sidewalk). Stairs would have been about 30'. We don't have to do that after all, so I am kindly reminding them that we paid for it and they don't get to just absorb that money.
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