Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

Ok, time for an update and hopefully some help.

I got my sand filter installed and refilled the pool a week ago. I had the pool store test the water when it was about 1/2 full, and CYA was 0, so I added the rest of what I had which was a little short of what Pool Pal said to add in order to bring it up to 30.

Once the water level was to the point that I could start filtering, I tested the chlorine and CYA. I got just short of 30 for CYA, so I added bleach until I got to 12 for the FC. The green was gone in less than a day, but it's been pretty cloudy ever since. I've tested at least twice a day and brought the FC up to 12 (or 18 once by accident) and have been running the pump 24/7.

I bought some DE today and after testing and bringing the FC up, I backwashed, rinsed and then added the DE to the skimmer. It only took 3/4 cups to raise the pressure 1 psi.

I ran the rest of the tests just now, and here's my numbers:

FC - 6.5 (added 64 oz of 8.25% to bring it to 12)
CC - 0.5
pH - 7.4
TA - 70
CH - 80
CYA - sub 30, but not by much. I can still see the dot with the tube full.

Anything in those numbers that would point to why it's so cloudy?
I suspect you are still battling algae. It's good you saw the water change from green to cloudy, but that cloudiness is related to the algae that's in transition. It's important to keep that FC at 12 as much as possible, and of course continue to brush daily to keep any organic material from trying to grab the surfaces of the pool.

Also, I would suggest one more really good CYA test. If you can see the black dot while full, then you are still low. Too low and that FC will not have enough protection from the sun. Of course you don't want to go too high either, then your SLAM FC won't match your CYA, so be careful. But test it again to make sure. :)

Oh, and other than testing FC and CC (and CYA one more time), no need to waste your reagents on the other tests while you are SLAMming. They'll be fine until you are done.

Be patient, keep p the great work, and good luck.
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