Shelf life for 16oz DPD R-0871 and R-0870?


Aug 25, 2017
Mt Juliet, Tn
It's about time to refill my 2oz R-0871 and 10gm R-0870 reagents. Getting them in a 16oz and .25lb size is a tremendous savings (not sure if links are allowed here). My question is what is the shelf life of each of these reagents? The 16oz R-0871 would last me at least 3-4 years and the .25lb R-0870 probably even longer.

I keep my kit inside, in conditioned air, in a cabinet.
I replace every year. I was buying larger bottles to save $$. After some time -- don't remember how much - I was getting inaccurate readings and I was screwing up the chem in the pool based on those. I find it easier to just buy annually.
I have always thought that bulk reagents were "penny wise and pound foolish". You certainly save some money but then you start to lose confidence in the efficacy of the reagent before you EVER use it up......often with good reason.

That said, there are some "Mad Scientist" folks here who test wa-a-ay more than normal and it certainly makes sense for them.

For the average Joe who tests by TFP guidelines, I am convinced you lose money on the bulk reagents.
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