
New member
May 6, 2022
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Hey All!

Great to be a part of the TFP community. Moved into my house 2 yrs ago and did the pool store hustle for the past two seasons with expected results (wasted money, effort and lots of frustration). My filter blew out late fall before a heavy freeze and had to semi winterize my pool at the last minute. The pool turned into a disgusting swamp over winter and early spring. I was unable to replace my filter until late this spring, and emptied and powerwashed and refilled. Went through full SLAM before getting all of my chemistry dialed in (still need to work on my TA and raise my CYA). Absolutely love the TFP method. No more snake oil products from the local Leslie's, and makes pool chemistry so much easier to understand and deal with.

One of the problems that I inherited with this pool is a serious amount of scale build up. Every time my kids spent/spend time playing on the tanning ledge, I noticed lots of abrasive boo boos on their toes and fingers. I've taken a look around and there is serious buildup on the tanning deck, portions of the floor and walls in the shallow end and seating ledge in the deep in. It is extremely coarse Current tests are as follows:

FC: 5.6
CC: <.5
pH: 7.8
TA: 120
CH: 370
CYA: 60

I did a CSI calculation and I'm at 0.24. I understand that I need to bring this significantly lower. Just looking for advice to do this most expeditiously and what to expect regarding time and other steps to get the scale off in the quickest manner possible.

Hello Matt and welcome to TFP! :wave: CSI is effected by 4 things: CH, TA, pH, and water temp. PH will have the most immediate impact on CSI. Your TA isn't crazy high, but you have room to lower it more & more over time down to about 60-70 which could also help. When your pH hits 7.8-8.0, use enough muriatic acid to lower the pH to 7.2. That large swing should chip away at the TA each time you do it.

A couple side notes:
- Watch your CYA. With a salt pool, SWGs tend to operate more efficiently with a minimum CYA of 70, sometimes 80 in full sun.
- For FC testing, you can use a 10ML water sample with ONE generous/heaping scoop of powder. Mix and add drops until clear and divide answer in half. Example: 20 drops equals an FC of 10. Should save you some powder.

Thank you! Great advice on FC testing. Been going through a lot of powder. Also, one more question. I’ve been adding CYA powder just below pool math suggestions using a skimmer fine filer sock in front of a return jet. When I squeeze the bag, most comes out in a fine cloud, but I notice some large particles come out too. Should I give it a little time before I add more CYA to allow the larger particles to dissolve, or is that not something I should worry about?
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