Safety Cover and Leaves


LifeTime Supporter
Sep 20, 2014
Pleasanton, TX
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Liquid Chlorine
Have used a cheaper vinyl cover held down by sand filled pvc pipe sitting on the coping the last few years. It works, but is quite the pain to pull off in the spring. Only use the cover for the tons of oak leaves in the fall here in south Texas. Tried a "leaf cover" but that was pretty useless-leaves broke up and went right through it.

Wanted to ask if you think the mesh safety covers would do the trick for leaves? I ask because we get those blue northers here with gusts up to 50 mph(rare but has happened) at times in the winter and was wondering if the wind would blow under the spaces between the tie downs enough to let all those leaves in? Just not sure how tightly the cover itself is held down with the tie downs in the wind. I pick up the leaves as they fall on my place, but we are in a growing subdivision surrounded by uncleared lots full of oak trees. Thanks so much.
Wind does push a few leaves below ours. In spring there are maybe 20 leaves and 1,000 worms, though i haven't actually counted either.
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