Safe to use Robot during SLAM?


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As a first timer I am trying really hard not to screw anything up (really do long term damage) as I figure things out.

I need to SLAM the pool (starting today!) and I was curious if I should use a manual vacuum or if I could use my robot vacuum to help with initial clean up to see where I still need to scrub as water is still murky. I'm worried the higher FC may damage robot? Or do I complete SLAM and then scrub, let vacuum do its thing, and then scrub again? lol

It's Thursday.....think I can get my kids swimming by Sunday? lol It'll be our first 80 degree day here in NC :) Wishing thinking....
The high FC will most likely not harm the robot, but I take mine out when I SLAM as a precaution. The robot will not replace me having to brush the walls. I throw it in when I'm done with my SLAM and let the FC drift down.
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Your will be fine. Long term exposure would probably lighten it a few shades, but a few hours at a time wont matter

we are far more delicate than a plastic pool robot. If it’s safe for us to swim up to SLAM level, it’s safe for them too.
Your will be fine. Long term exposure would probably lighten it a few shades, but a few hours at a time wont matter

we are far more delicate than a plastic pool robot. If it’s safe for us to swim up to SLAM level, it’s safe for them too.
Hi. I have a question. I have a dolphin Nautilis robotic vacuum that is an electric one with a filter inside. If we slam and then vacuuming out dead algae with a robotic vacuum, will that catch that dead algae in the filter or is it just spitting it back out into the water?
Most will catch it if they have fine filters. Hopefully someone chimes in with knowledge of that specific model. (y)
Note Maytronics manual says not to use in above 4ppm chlorine, however, I'm pretty sure that pertains to leaving the robot in the pool. I keep my FC at 6ppm, robot runs a 3.5 hour floor and walls cycle, then I take it out and rinse thoroughly inside and out with fresh water--including the power cable. I leave it to dry on covered patio on the caddy, then cover when dry. Haven't had to SLAM, but if I ran it with SLAM chlorine levels, I would be EXTRA thorough rinsing after use. I use the extra fine filters that Casey linked above, and they stop everything including really fine dust from those Sahara dust clouds we get from time to time, so I imagine dead algae will be caught too. Be sure to use a hose blowing back through the filters. If you hold them in the light when you rinse with a hose, you can see them turn from dark to light.
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The recommendation from Matronics not to use above 4 fc is without CYA, so with CYA your good to go up to SLAM level... Mine lives in CYA of 80 and FC at 7 at all times, he is happy as any robot I know :)
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