return jet fittings

Jun 23, 2017
Sparta, NJ
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
We bought a house with a pool last fall and so we've only been able to use it (in NJ) since late May. As time's gone by I've noticed the little things that probably aren't right. This week it was that the "return jets" aren't actually jet like and are just the ends of 2" pipe sticking out of the wall. I'm looking to improve water circulation, particularly in the deep end of the pool and across the sun shelf where Polaris feels he doesn't need to clean, and I'm thinking that perhaps adjustable jets would help with this.

To this end, if I've got (unthreaded) 2" pipe, would I just need 2" inside slip fittings that have a threaded fitting on the other end and then the return jet attachment of my choice? If it's going to require actually plumbing work then we'll live with what we've got for the rest of this summer and add it to the list of plumbing jobs for next year (I need to replace a patched, cracked valve on my pad and have a heater bypass fitted so I can remove copper stains from my pool floor)
I know you can buy a PVC fitting that would slip inside the 2" pipe that would have a make it a female thread you should need for the pool jet/eye ball, my only thought would be that it would stick out further than you might want.
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