reputable online stores to purchase new raypak pool heater

May 21, 2016
Hammonton, NJ
I am just wondering if anyone has a suggestion of best place online to purchase a new raypak pool heater. Looking for P-R406A-EN-X which would be a replacement for my current model except this one would have cupro-nickel. I do not need installation. I live in South Jersey between Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Just wondering if Amazon, Walmart etc... are just as good as any other online store or if there are some to stay away from? I am looking locally as well but not sure if there is any advantage to a local purchase over an online store. Any suggestions or information for this type of replacement purchase are welcome. Can I expect the new unit to come with everything that will be needed to swap out old unit and are there any caveats I should be aware of such as older stock or receiving incorrect model etc...
I ordered my Raypak from Pool Supply Unlimited. The one I received was built within the prior month and no problems with shipping damage or anything. When I ordered it back in April, they had the best price I could find on it. Didn't take too long to get here, but I'm in TX and they ship from California/Nevada.

Edit: I'm 99% sure Raypak only gives a 90 day warranty if you self-install. Just something to consider. I was willing to lose the full warranty because I refuse to pay someone thousands of dollars to reinstall a pool heater.
I bought a Raypak 406A from in March, at the time there were the lowest price of anyone who had it in stock. Arrived quickly, no damage, delivered via truck with lift gate.

Previously at the old house I had bought my intellicenter, IC40 and MasterTemp from Polytec; it was a great experience. I contacted them first this time (for a Mastertemp) and was told I would have to wire them the money (no credit cards) AND organize my own freight.

A blessing in disguise I think - in the end though I was glad I went with the Raypak.
I contacted them first this time (for a Mastertemp) and was told I would have to wire them the money (no credit cards) AND organize my own freight.

Any idea why.. Polytec advertises free shipping and have always taken credit card???

Something is not right, they show they accept all credit cards.


Jim R/
Hi neighbor!
2nd vote for Inyopools. Replaced my 406 Raypak that was 15 years old with a new one last year. Came with everything needed and nothing plumbing-wise had changed between the models so it was an easy swap out.
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