Recommended Method of Adding 20 Mule Team Borax?


Bronze Supporter
Jun 10, 2018
North Central PA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I normally raise my pH by dissolving the required amount of Borax into a gallon of water and slowly pouring it in front of a return. No matter how much I stir during my addition, most of the Borax seems to end up as a slurry in the bottom of the bucket. Therefore, the final "dump" of the solution, although small, is more potent than the rest.

Last night, I was wondering about setting my valve on "recirculate," and slowly pouring the dry powder into the skimmer. Seems like it would be easier to avoid one big dose at the end, as well as send the addition around the pool more efficiently. Bad idea?

Not a really bad idea but also probably not necessary. 20 Mule Team dissolves quite readily and disperses evenly through out the pool. Your method may well do that a little better if you like.
I just fill my 1 gallon bucket about 3/4 full, dump about 1/3 or so of the box in it, stir it around with my hand to find the lumps. Dump it in the pool in front of the return. By the time it circulates a quarter way around the pool, it’s dissolved. Any missed lumps end up on the bottom for only a few minutes. Ultimately, it’s all dissolved in minutes, then it’s just a small time for circulation to evenly mix it. Just do that until the box is in.
Do not pour anything directly into a skimmer.
Pour liquids in a pencil size stream at a return with pump running.
Solids are handled based on what it is.
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You seem to be adding Borax to raise pH from like 7.4 to 7.6, which is not really required, I would just leave pH alone.

TFP recommends pH 7.6 to 7.8 as "ideal' for the simple reason that pH rise due to CO2 outgassing slows down at higher pH. If pH is stable at a lower level, which yours seems to be for some reason, then sit back and enjoy a cold beverage. Especially with a vinyl liner where you don't have to worry about low CSI.

I find your situation quite interesting actually, pH seems to go down to even 7.2 all on its own, which is quite unusual for a pool that's not chlorinated with trichlor.

As long as pH stays in the 7s, I'd just leave it.
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