Quick question. How long do I need to run the shop-vac


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Jul 9, 2011
My pool is filling up! Do I need to run the shop vac until the entire deep end is full or just a few inches. It will take most of the night to get the water level just below my step and light where I need it.
You leave the vac running until there are several inches (ideally a foot to be sure, but that isn't strictly required) of water in the shallow end. You need enough water in the pool to hold the liner in place in all of the corners, including in the shallow end, before you turn off the vac.
I'm very curious. Can you tell me how you hook up a vacuum when you install a liner? I'm trying to picture it. I have a gunnite pool, but I'm awfully curious. I understand that you're trying to vacuum out all the air between the liner and the outside of the pool, but can't picture where the vacuum goes?
If you look at some of the liner install pics around here you'll see that they mostly loosen the bead from the track and stick the hose down beside the liner. I stuck it inside the skimmer through the face, down to the bottom, when helping install the last liner I helped with.
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