Pump Seal. Which Pump do i have?


Bronze Supporter
Mar 31, 2016
Plano, TX
My pump seal is leaking. Can't find which pump i have.
No ID on the housing anywhere. Pump Lid ID may help. V26-363.

i have SWG installed recently, so will need seal to accommodate this.
Is there a seal kit for this model? O-rings,etc. i might as well change everything while i'm at it.

Thanks, all.

Appears to be a Pentair Challenger. Call InyoPools to be sure you get the right parts.
Sorry, Sta-Rite Max-E Glass 1. If the copper cone is in the sealplate it is a PS-100. If it is missing it is a PS-200.
Thanks -- looked like the Challenger! Stand corrected!!

That's a Max-E-Glass 2 or Max-E-Glass PRO pump. They use a PS-201 (that pump needs one). Poster has a Max-E-Glass 1.
No sticker on mine pump. i don't even have the ledge/notch for the sticker on this unit.

i was hoping the LID would tell the story.

I'm finding that this my seal instead of the PS_200? For SWG
Pump Shaft Seal, Heavy Duty PS-200-style for Saltwater Pools - PS-3867 - INYOPools.com

and for the PS_100? For SWG

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No sticker on mine pump. i don't even have the ledge/notch for the sticker on this unit.

i was hoping the LID would tell the story.

I'm finding that this my seal instead of the PS_200? For SWG
Pump Shaft Seal, Heavy Duty PS-200-style for Saltwater Pools - PS-3867 - INYOPools.com

and for the PS_100? For SWG
You have to actually see if the "heat sink" copper seal cone is in place in the sealplate or not. You have an older pump that originally came with one, but many times they deteriorated, were damaged, or were removed on a previous repair. If it is there you need a PS-100. If not, PS-200. You have a Sta-Rite Max-E-Glass 1 pump. The "S" lid and 2" inlet port were the determining identifiers. If the cone is in place and you get the PS-3867 (a PS-200 equivalent), you have to knock it out from the back of the sealplate or the seal will not fit. The Ps-3866 is the equivalent for the PS-100. Those are the two options. The easiest would be to get the PS-200/PS-3867 and take out the cone if it is there. Otherwise you have to dis-assemble the pump to find out.
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You have to actually see if the "heat sink" copper seal cone is in place in the sealplate or not. You have an older pump that originally came with one, but many times they deteriorated, were damaged, or were removed on a previous repair. If it is there you need a PS-100. If not, PS-200. You have a Sta-Rite Max-E-Glass 1 pump. The "S" lid and 2" inlet port were the determining identifiers. If the cone is in place and you get the PS-3867 (a PS-200 equivalent), you have to knock it out from the back of the sealplate or the seal will not fit. The Ps-3866 is the equivalent for the PS-100. Those are the two options. The easiest would be to get the PS-200/PS-3867 and take out the cone if it is there. Otherwise you have to dis-assemble the pump to find out.
Do you know if there going to be any O-rings i need to replace once i open it up...? I see some pumps have seal kits, and some don't. Wanna have an idea before i begin.
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