Pump Losing Prime /

Jun 28, 2014
Southern California
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine

Looking for some guidance on an issue with the pump not priming. Pool has been running fine for years until the last few weeks. Once the pump turns off, I can hear a gurgling sound at the pump and water (I think) is going back into the pool from the filter. Is the piece directly above the pump where it connects to the filter a check valve that could have possibly gone bad? Is there a way to program the return valve (on top) so it turns to "off" once the pump shuts off to prevent the issue? I have a Jandy iAqualink automation system.

If I open the pump lid and just add a little water, close it up, and turn it back on it runs fine.


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I do not see the check valve you referenced. I only see the pipe going from the top of the pump to behind the filter.
Is your pump above the level of the pool water level? If there is a check valve you can clean it out as it may be allowing flow back.
The 2 automated valves turn 180 degrees - each opens one side while closing off the other side.
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