Posts keep disappearing...signature too


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-9)
I know there have been issues with the site lately but I made a post earlier today (it disappeared) so I posted a new one (which is now gone and the original is back). I also updated my signature earlier today, now it's back to the old one.

Hello, and we're VERY sorry for this issue.

Long story short, there was a span of about 3-4 hours yesterday where many members were accessing the old Server where TFP was formally hosted at. All looked the same, but was no longer being recorded to the current database. This issues appears to be fixed now, and we are keeping our fingers crossed we've addressed the root cause of our issues as well. I'm seeing what I can do to find these posts, however there is the chance they've been deleted.

I once again am very sorry for the headaches over the last two weeks
Ha! Bingo! I was curious why several of my posts disappeared. I noticed the yellow section had the previous note, and I thought how strange. If that ever happens again, I hope I remember what it could mean.

Apparently those few hours yesterday were when I did quite a bit of posting. As far as I recall, there's only one I'm disappointed it didn't survive. I could never replicate it. Not bad if only one I cared about was lost.

I'm sorry you guys have had to shoulder the brunt of these headaches. Thank you for your perseverance in resolving the issues! It will all be sorted out. And without any loss of life. Lol!! Before long, you guys will be able to sit back and laugh over these snafus. I hope. Take care!
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