Pool water slightly cloudy

I only added 1/4 cup DE as suggested by Piolin and it seems to be doing a better job without overloading the filter.

My TF-100 is tentatively supposed to be here tomorrow, so I can start testing the water again, and start/finish the SLAM.

It seems to be getting there, I can actually see the drain covers pretty clearly now and even make out the liner pattern on the bottom of the pool.
The picture makes it look more cloudy than it is. But there is still a ways to go.

View attachment 52853
DE is very effective at filtering small particles, the downside is that the filter pressure will rise very quickly. My DE filter will clear a nasty swamp in 3 days. At first, I have to backwash every 10 minutes or so, with the time between backwashing increasing gradually.

Never leave a sand filter alone after you add the DE.
Ok, I got my TF100 kit in!

After testing twice today already, I definitely have not been putting in enough chlorine over the last few days to keep up with a slam. I put 121oz of 8.25% bleach in this morning.
When my TF 100 got here via USPS, I tested around 1pm, and it was at 11 FC. I put in another 121oz which should bring it up to between 15 and 16 PPM.
I tested again at 4 and it was already down to 11.5 FC. I just put in another 121 oz.

Also, there has NEVER been an CC show up on any test i've ever done.

The pool is definitely clearing up :D, hopefully its all cleaned up by tomorrow morning.
Pool is finally clear! Thanks for all the help everyone! Took a week of doing a SLAM.

Here's a couple pics of how clear the pool is. 1 during the day and 1 at night with the lights on.

This is looking down into 8 feet of water.


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