Pool was just filled. What chemicals should I put in water

Jun 6, 2016
Taneytown Maryland
Hello Our pool was installed and filled with water on Tuesday 6/6 and I was wondering what chemicals I should buy to put in the water. The pump has been off because I need to get 2 more bags of sand for the filter.
I do have a TF100 test kit. This is new to me so I'm not sure what I should be doing. Any help I would appreciate. Thank you
Add bleach immediately to a FC of 2 ppm. Unscented, plain, 8.25% bleach. You will need to do this at least twice daily until you get CYA into the pool. Brush so that the water gets mixed as you cannot circulate.

Do a complete set of tests (you can skip the CYA as tap water has no CYA) and list them here and we will go from there.

If you have to go out to buy the bleach, buy two containers of CYA (stabilizer, conditioner, etc) powder. Walmart typically has it for $16 for a 4lb container.

Wait for the other items until you test.

Take care.
When starting with a new pool, in what order do we address the chemicals? Is this correct?
1. CYA First
2. Then FC
3. Then TA
4. Then CH
5. Then pH

If the filter is running, how long after I add the liquid conditioner do I test the CYA again?
It will work. We call that Liquid Gold here - much more expensive than the powder form.

Most important to have chlorine in the water when it is first filled. Use 2 ppm FC for a start until you add the CYA. Then target 10% of the CYA ppm amount you added. Is your water clear? No algae on the walls or floor? If clear. Target CYA to 40 ppm.

Then adjust pH. If between 7.2 and 7.8, nothing needed.
CH - do not worry about - you have a vinyl pool.

TA - adjust only if abnormally low (below 50ppm - use baking soda). Otherwise see how your pH acts. If stable, no intervention needed.

Take care.

I mistook the Liquid for CYA -- sorry! Chlorinator is fine - lets call it bleach!

Take care.
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Thank you. I just bought 3 jugs of HTH Liquid Chlorinator from ace hardware. Is this the right stuff? If it's not I will get something different. Thank you
That's the right stuff for the FC. Be sure to enter the right strength when you use poolmath.

You don't need to worry about CH with your vinyl pool. There's no plaster shell to etch.

When you fill that filter with sand, be sure to follow the directions about backwashing and rinsing. Otherwise it may send dust into your pretty new water.

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Have you put CYA in the pool yet? You need at least 30 ppm CYA or the chlorine you are adding is burned off by the sun nearly immediately.

You need to keep 3 ppm of FC in the pool with 30 ppm CYA. It will take 70 oz of 8.25% bleach to reach FC of 3 in your pool.

Take care.
Hello, no I didn't put any CYA into the pool. I forgot to buy it when I was at the store but I will get some. Can you please tell me exactly what I should buy (brand)? The only chemicals I have right now are the chlorinator and a spring start up box of chemicals. In the box is pool solutions metal control, pool solutions concentrated clarifier and 2 small bags of maintain pro oxy plus non chlorine oxidizing shock. This box was from a set i ordered online last summer. I'm not sure if I will need those things but I will definitely get to the store to buy CYA I was worried about buying the wrong thing. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.
Hello, no I didn't put any CYA into the pool. I forgot to buy it when I was at the store but I will get some. Can you please tell me exactly what I should buy (brand)? The only chemicals I have right now are the chlorinator and a spring start up box of chemicals. In the box is pool solutions metal control, pool solutions concentrated clarifier and 2 small bags of maintain pro oxy plus non chlorine oxidizing shock. This box was from a set i ordered online last summer. I'm not sure if I will need those things but I will definitely get to the store to buy CYA I was worried about buying the wrong thing. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.
The CYA may be called Stabilizer, Conditioner, Instant Pool Water Conditioner, Stabilizer 100, Stabilizer & Conditioner or who knows what else. Check the ingredients. It should say Cyanuric Acid or Isocyanuric acid and be 99 or 100% strength. Sometimes they hype it by saying "for saltwater pools" and charge more. It's the same stuff no matter what the marketing hype is. Just look at ingredients. The label may also say something like "protects chlorine from the sun" or something like that.
There are various brands of CYA. Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc typically have 4# jugs of CYA powder. The label will show 100% cyanuric acid or isocyanuric acid.

I have seen clorox, hth, etc brands. The cheapest you can find is good.
Hello, I put half of the container of stabilizer into the pool skimmer yesterday. I didnt put all of it in because I was worried about putting too much in that it might not need. I put it in cut pantyhose and tied it and set it in the skimmer.I also added a jug (128 ounces) of liquid chlorinator. Should I put a jug of the chlorine in it everyday? We did have a Diver Dave hooked up but I took him out because he stopped moving. It had suction still but wouldnt move. There are trees close to where the pool is and stuff has been getting in the water from them. I was wondering what I should be doing to the water from now on. Thank you, I appreciate it
Hello, I put half of the container of stabilizer into the pool skimmer yesterday. I didnt put all of it in because I was worried about putting too much in that it might not need. I put it in cut pantyhose and tied it and set it in the skimmer.I also added a jug (128 ounces) of liquid chlorinator. Should I put a jug of the chlorine in it everyday? We did have a Diver Dave hooked up but I took him out because he stopped moving. It had suction still but wouldnt move. There are trees close to where the pool is and stuff has been getting in the water from them. I was wondering what I should be doing to the water from now on. Thank you, I appreciate it
Post some test results and we can help you figure that out.

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