Pool Math........The App

The app is super-duper useful. I love it.

Only constructive criticism I have is UX. The UI was a little quirky on first load (would have loved a big + button for "log tests" - it's in the middle which is good, but a visual indicator like a green circle would be my preference), but once I figured out where the options are, it is fantastic, much nicer than pen and paper. If I'm nitpicking color choices for buttons, that's a sign that I'm impressed.

Super useful functionality.

Going to probably add the paid syncing to my daughter can log tests as well and we have everything. I'm excited, very cool. As you work out the kinks, excited to see if the app evolves UI-wise to be more platform specific.

Great work. I think for someone myself that's not as dedicated as others on the forum, this will make a big difference.
Thank you greatly for the assistance Alex. I cannot disagree that there's some room for improvement in the interface. We've been looking for a designer to help us in this area as neither of us are fully qualified in this area. Jon is more of the software guy while I'm simply the pretty face behind things.........or as some call me, the one who get's in the way frequently. ;D In the future we definitely hope to get some outside help with this area and it's likely improvements will occur.

We greatly thank each of you for your kind words as it's been a blast creating this new tool for TFP members. As a reminder to all, if the App has helped you and if you're enjoying PoolMath, give us a review as it helps us greatly.
That would be awesome. right now I'm using an excel-sheet to track my readings. I can't wait for this new app. excellent.

After many requests over the years TFP is taking matter into its own hands and updating PoolMath this Spring to include an option to log and track your test results. This will be done with a dedicated iOS and Android App and will be launching soon. We've got it running now on a handful of devices and are finishing working the kinks out of things now. More details will be passed on as we come closer to completing the App in the near future.
I sent you a private message. Could you review it? I need help with something. It’s my profile/settings issue.

After many requests over the years TFP is taking matter into its own hands and updating PoolMath this Spring to include an option to log and track your test results. This will be done with a dedicated iOS and Android App and will be launching soon. We've got it running now on a handful of devices and are finishing working the kinks out of things now. More details will be passed on as we come closer to completing the App in the near future.
Suggestion... Add the run time (# of hours) to SWG %. I adjust my run time winter vs summer, have pump and SWG running 24hrs in summer months.
+1 to adding pump run time

Thanks for the update by the way. Beta testing was kinda fun, and it's slick now with everything working and no troubles switching between pools.

I'm a Happy Little Vegemite :)
Hi there, I'm going to try and explain our decision on the cloud syncing a bit, and how it works. I definitely can appreciate the concern for data security and control, so I'm happy to be transparent about how this works and what we're using.

First of all, the data is stored locally. You can use the app in airplane mode, the data is always kept on the device, in a local database. If you never connected your device to the internet, your data would always still be there on that device. One of the next features which I've already started working on is the ability to Export and Import your data, as I believe it's important that you ultimately control your data. We aren't trying to own your data, just make it convenient.

We use a technology called Realm (for those interested, Realm: Create reactive mobile apps in a fraction of the time ) to implement the cloud syncing and syncing between devices. Each user login is associated with its own Realm (or database) locally, which gets synchronized to the cloud (hosted in Microsoft Azure), so it's not one big database, it's actually many small databases.

Early on, actually before we settled on using Realm, we decided that the lowest friction way to implement cloud sync would be to automatically provide it for everyone. This minimizes the chance of data conflicts if a user installs the app on multiple devices, and it also reduces the number of first time run paths when we add in some sort of payment/subscription for the app. I think it's fair to say we would consider adding the ability to opt-out of cloud sync in the future. It's certainly possible, it's just not what most users are going to want or expect, and we feel it's not the best use of development effort at this point in time.

I appreciate that you realize you're probably in the minority here, and unfortunately I think that's true. I don't want to sound dismissive of your request, so we'll definitely log this as a feature request for future versions of the app (we have an internal bug/feature tracking board). I'm all for giving users the choice, but like I said, in this case specifically, it's not as high priority as other things such as adding import/export and graphs/charts.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thought I would check back as pool season is around again in my neck of the woods and a year has gone by. I see lots of development on the app since we talked about this last year, and congrats on that! But I don't see any mentions of totally offline. Wondering if this was still on the feature list and if any progress had been made on it.

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I download the android app and installed it on my android phone yesterday. Also signed up for the annual subscription. I would also like to run it on my Amazon Fire tablet. Does anyone know if the android version works on Amazon devices?
Noted and logged in our tracker. We'll take a look and see what we can do.
Good idea!

+2 for pump run time!

Pump run time is great for filtration tracking alone, but without it for SWG pools, just the SWG % is not meaningful as many people vary pump run time to some extent. I have an autocover, so the amount of time my pool is exposed to sunlight varies all time. Days closed then days open, etc. So I frequently change my runtime, much more than some for sure.

Then when the app moves towards graphing features in the future, hours of cell run-time can be graphed vs. tested FC levels for a great view of the relationship. That along with the added Notes feature for noting high FC usage events (parties, AFR's, etc.) would be a great tool for the pool aficionado.
Switching out phones (Android) I loaded the app on new device. I was able to get my subscription applied, however recent tests I had recently added aren't showing. Only test I show in my logs is from April, one test which is when I was just testing the app. After subscribing I deleted that test and added several new ones. Strange that my old deleted test is only one now showing when I use the app. How can I get most recent tests to show?

Never mind, I signed out and then back in and tests are now showing up.
I’m gonna try to flop all over the place and cover as many of the comments made. I’d like to apologize for the delay over the last week or so to anybody who’s wrote us or offered suggestions. I’ve read and noted them all but am late to respond back. Id like to toss out a warning that as is we’re kinda ina hold however as the next month or so is an extremely busy time for both Jon and I. We’re still pushing forward but my focus now has somewhat shifted to Memorial Day and keeping TFP running. So, with my excuses out of the way........

Love the app! Subscribed immediately.

This may have been covered, but I don’t see it - how do I get my targets to “stick” on each of the individual component pages? For example, on the ph page I keep changing target to 7.5, but it doesn’t stick and the next time I look, it is back to 7.4.


I may have given you the wrong information. My memory said the goals did stick but the code said it didn’t. Jon and I are talking this one over and trying to see which to do. If we leave it to where it defaults back each time it will add a step to advanced users who know what they want each time. If however we make it where the levels stick we risk having a new user pushing stuff and now target a level far above/below what their goal really should be.

Suggestion... Add the run time (# of hours) to SWG %. I adjust my run time winter vs summer, have pump and SWG running 24hrs in summer months.

Im actually making this a lot harder on Jon but a lot cooler for the user. :) Unfortunately my thinking takes the scenario you mentioned even deeper where we record even more data and have the App automatically record some info unless you tell it not to. Downfall is though a few of my hairbrain ideas is causing Jon more work which means more time. :(

Thought I would check back as pool season is around again in my neck of the woods and a year has gone by. I see lots of development on the app since we talked about this last year, and congrats on that! But I don't see any mentions of totally offline. Wondering if this was still on the feature list and if any progress had been made on it.
This is still on our list but way towards the bottom.
Not sure if this is already in the suggestion logs. Would be nice in a future update to have pump rpm alongside the filter pressure tracking since so many of us have VSPs.
See my answer above to bobamdsherry. We’ve got a few ideas but we need to wrap up a few other items first.

I download the android app and installed it on my android phone yesterday. Also signed up for the annual subscription. I would also like to run it on my Amazon Fire tablet. Does anyone know if the android version works on Amazon devices?
To our knowledge it won’t work as is. It could work in the future but I cannot say when or if.

I really hope this helps some out. We greatly thank each of you for the positive reviews and the subscriptions. In case you missed it some of each subscription is going right back to TFP to keep the website advertising free so please, help us out. :)

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