Pool Level Dropped 4-6" last night.


New member
Jun 16, 2019
I left my robot on last night (forgot to turn it off)it was spinning with one tread off a tire in the same spot. This morning I woke up to the water level right at the bottom of the pool skimmer level (on the inside wall of the pool). The water level hasn't dropped all day today so I dont suspect it is the liner, unless it is right at that water level spot. I am now filling it back up to see it it holds water without the filter and robot on. One thing I did notice on one of the pumps that is above ground is that it was leaking fairly decently. I am just not sure that would cause the pool to leak out 4-6" in a 12-14 hour period. Thoughts? I am wishfully hopping it is just that pump leak, with a bad gasket or seal.
You’re going down the right road. Check water level changes with and without pump running. And also to see at what level the water stops going down. Oh and fix the leak of course. ;)
Thanks for the quick response. Trying to pinpoint the issue now. I am hoping it is the seal on the pump, which it seems to be. I'll update when I have more info! Thanks again! My pool is probably 40'x20' and holds around 32,000 gallons... I just wasnt sure if it would lose that much due to a pump seal/gasket leak. I am not hoping it's an underground pipe, that's for sure!
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