Pool Finish Dilemma


New member
May 11, 2022
Detroit, MI
Hi all. I have an inground (shotcrete) pool and raised spa that was complete last summer with a Hydrazzo finish. While we love the smoothness of the Hydrazzo finish, we have had a lot of issues with staining and it was ultimately concluded by our PB that it was likely mixed improperly (they reviewed our pool chemistry reports too). Pool is maintained professionally on a weekly basis and we do chemistry checks in between and brush it regularly. Thankfully, they are standing behind everything and we have to pick a new pool finish. They have recommended PebbleSheen but I am concerned about it being too rough. Going to check out Pebble Breeze and some of the other PebbleTec products. Would love recommendations from others that love their pool finishes! Thank you so much!
Welcome to TFP.

I love my Hydrazoo finish.

Why don’t you get polished Hydrazoo properly mixed and applied?