Remington Jones

New member
Mar 4, 2020
South Dakota
I've inherited a pool with a concrete base and fiberglass sides that. There are some relatively thin cracks in the shallow end. Are these just plaster cracks that can be filled in, or do I need to do any more intensive structural repairs? If they can just be filled in, how much would I expect to pay for something like that? Or, is that something I could do myself? Thanks!

That’s called a “hybrid pool” and were common pool construction types back in the 80’s. Those cracks might be structural and the only way to know the severity is to fill the pool and see if they hold water without leaking. If they leak, that pool will need expensive repair work. That said, the buckling fiberglass panel by the skimmer is more worrisome. The panels are made water-tight with a rubber seal and if those get damaged, the wall will leak.
That’s called a “hybrid pool” and were common pool construction types back in the 80’s. Those cracks might be structural and the only way to know the severity is to fill the pool and see if they hold water without leaking. If they leak, that pool will need expensive repair work. That said, the buckling fiberglass panel by the skimmer is more worrisome. The panels are made water-tight with a rubber seal and if those get damaged, the wall will leak.

I"m not sure if that is the fiberglass buckling. The previous owner attached tiles to the fiberglass and, big surprise, they're coming loose in places.
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