I have a plaster pool that is showing its age on the coping and the decking. Some cracks in a few coping stones (they're pebble looking concrete things I think), some cracking in the concrete decking and the plastic dividers between slabs, and then a lot of the caulk (grout?) under the coping where it attaches to the pool plaster/tile line is missing. I've also got a few missing tiles on the waterline in places, but I might just glue those back on myself.
Is this something I need a pool renovation company for, or could I just go directly with a concrete/masonry repair company? Would they be able to handle the coping and everything else? Is there anything that really makes this pool specific other than being near a pool?
Is this something I need a pool renovation company for, or could I just go directly with a concrete/masonry repair company? Would they be able to handle the coping and everything else? Is there anything that really makes this pool specific other than being near a pool?