Pool closing


New member
Aug 23, 2023
Providence, RI
I’m needing help with closing my in-ground pool…I’m seeing different answers so need the correct one. I lowered the water in my pool below the skimmer, I sucked out any water that go in the lines. I added RV antifreeze and screwed a gizmo in…Had to do this again because all the heavy rain popped out the gizzmo and filled the line with water again,,,My gizzmo doesn’t have a blow-out plug so what do I do to make sure in doesn’t come out again?? Can I 1/2 fill empty water bottles with some of the antifreeze and put them all around the gizzmo THEN put the skimmer top on with a heavy rock on that? I’m so lost here.,,HELP Please email me because I’m not sure I can find this again!
I’m needing help with closing my in-ground pool…I’m seeing different answers so need the correct one. I lowered the water in my pool below the skimmer, I sucked out any water that go in the lines. I added RV antifreeze and screwed a gizmo in…Had to do this again because all the heavy rain popped out the gizzmo and filled the line with water again,,,My gizzmo doesn’t have a blow-out plug so what do I do to make sure in doesn’t come out again?? Can I 1/2 fill empty water bottles with some of the antifreeze and put them all around the gizzmo THEN put the skimmer top on with a heavy rock on that? I’m so lost here.,,HELP Please email me because I’m not sure I can find this again!
The gizmo is screwed in normally. How did it pop out? Or maybe there’s another style I’m not aware of.
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